12 Nov 2015

A question about : Please delete

Please delete

Best answers:

  • I live in a Northern Ireland and lowell is an English registered company. does this matter? No.
    I don't feel like I should be paying off this debt when Vodafone didn't contact me regarding selling it, and I had no idea it existed. Did you provide them with a forwarding address when you moved to Asia?
  • Why delete the post OP ?
  • I got the advice I needed from a different thread! so hopefully I will get it sorted now!
  • The other thread, just in case anyone is searching the forums for similar advice and would like an answer:
    If it's true that it isn't your error Mluod then I hope you get it sorted.
    Best wishes.
  • Thanks! I just don't really see how 500 can turn into 2300 plus without me knowing. I mean, I wouldn't have wanted it to get that much to a cell company! there's no issue about me paying if I need to, I suppose I would like to know what I'm paying for? just thought I would see what I could do before I hand over 2k+ to a debt I wasn't and I have no idea if I did, as well it was a long time ago. If that's the case I will obviously pay. I just know from working for a cell company accounts are usually frozen after a certain amount and everything is done to get in touch with the person in writing.
    I am not saying I don't own the debt but what could possible have taken it to more than 500+. as you can see I got help from others on the thread above. super helpful guys. and thanks for all the advice!
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