25 Dec 2017

A question about : Play your carbs right?

That's it for this week, but before you go, we challenge you to get more than a handful of these nutrition-based conundrums right in Play Your Carbs Right.

How to play
Once you click through, you'll be shown some common foods/drinks. You then pick whether you think the amount of carbohydrates in the food/drink on the right-hand side is more of less than the food/drink on the left-hand side. Easy, right?

And if you're wondering why dieting's in this email, actually, the techniques can be very similar to MoneySaving - see Martin's Calorie Saving Expert blog.

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Best answers:

  • I think whoever wrote the text needs to learn better maths - or rather how they express maths, e.g. mixing up "one quarter less than..." with "one quarter of...".
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