30 Jan 2017

A question about : Pilkington Satinova glass conservatory roof


Can anyone help!

I have had a Satinova glass roof installed on my conservatory of which was installed at the same time and not a replacement roof, since it was installed 5 months ago we have had major condensation to the point you could shower underneath.

We have used a dehumidifier and very little water was drawn from the air, the floor is dry and has been tested. Could it possibly be that the roof has been installed inside out?

Which side should the coated obscure side be, facing in or on the outer of the roof?

I have tried calling various people but struggle to get a reply and cant seem to find any direct help on the web.

Any and I mean any help would be appreciated


Best answers:

  • I have an issue with a 5 month old conservatory where the manufacturers say there is an issue with condensation. The reality is that the roof leaks like a sieve and it is this that is causing the "condensation". This may be applicable in your case. I suggest you thoroughly dry the inside of the roof then do a methodical check with a hosepipe.
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