29 Mar 2017

A question about : Petition against female genital mutilation

Please sign this petition:

No discussion - just urging everyone to sign and then remind others to do so,

Best answers:

  • Genital mutilation of both major genders* should be banned until adulthood.
    It's estimated that 117 male children die each year from male genital mutilation in the United States and that this is one in 77 of all deaths in this age group.
    *intersex is the main exception I'm thinking of
  • Female was only made illegal in the UK in 1985, with it being criminal to take someone out of the UK for it since 2003.
    The same reasons - culture, tradition and religion - are used for both genders. Things are just further along on the female side, though the dropping male rate in the UK even without civil (say an initial Ј10,000 fine paid if the child objects when an adult) or criminal penalties is progress.
    Sadly, 'Approaching shoppers with the petition supporting FGM, she told them she wanted to protect her "culture, traditions and rights". ... In only 30 minutes 19 people signed it with some saying they believed FGM was wrong but because it was part of Ms Hussein's culture they would add their names. Only one person refused to sign.'
    Sorry, I don't know of the death or serious complication rates in the UK. With the rate now down to 8.5% in the UK compared to 75.5% in the US and the lower population the absolute number will be lower even if the death rate from it is the same.
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