19 Mar 2016

A question about : pension auto enroll

to whom it may concern
I have had the experience of the government scheme which employers are required to provide a option for a personal pension plan ,however as the particular plan was based on a percentage of total weekly or monthly wages payment the more you earned the more you paid in .however my particular did not elaberate on what the exact or correct procedure was and when questioned about this they simply referred to the prefered pension provider the had decided to utilise in this suitation .when I started to dig in to the pros and cons of it all it soon be came apperant that the provider of the pension plan and my employer were at odds as to the shared or total responsibility with regards to my pension and any information regarding my pension plan .how ever I decided to cancel the plan as it seemed totally in comprehensiable and it took me over a month for to get the money that was taken out of my weekly wage back all because of employer and pension provider ponsing about .if your employer is requiring you to have a pension plan provided or recommended by the look for the opt out clause in the paper work provided by pension plan provider as they should allow a period of time for suitability for your required need revelant to the suitation .

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