17 Sep 2016

A question about : Paid to Breastfeed: would it have encouraged you to do it?

Sheffield University is conducting research by offering new mums up to Ј200 to breastfeed their child.

Financial incentive for breastfeeding mothers

As breastfeeding's already a MoneySaver compared to buying formula would payment have encouraged you more?

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Best answers:

  • I think this is terrible. Most Mum's who want to breastfeed often find they give up because they don't have the support they need. Surely it would be better to put this money towards support agencies and teaching?
  • This is awful, not everyone can or wants to breast feed so this going to put unnecessary pressure on new mums and I think it's disgusting
  • So sad the answer to everything is money these days. What kind of world do we live in!
  • How sad - mothers should want to do the best for their child because they love then, not because they get money for it. I know some people disagree but I do get cross when mothers say they love their babies and would die for them - but they won't give them the very best start in life. I am also aware many mothers struggle to manage the breastfeeding thing and would not want to put added pressure on them at this very special time - it can sometimes be better to bottle feed.
  • Personally I would do anything to breastfeed regardless, as it is clinically proven to be better for the baby.
    The money might be an incentive for the women who for some reason won't take on board the clinical evidence? The odd person here and there can't breastfeed on medical grounds but keep in mind the uk has very low breastfeeding rates compared to other countries - women who formula feed are more likely to do so for cultural/their own personal views rather than medical reasons.
    Eta - vouchers could also be a "well done" pat on the back. breastfeeding is hard work, perhaps it would be nice to get a small reward when reaching milestones.
  • How many posts before this descends into inevitability? Already we've got the "mustn't love your kid enough" one being thrown out.
    Nope - no amount of vouchers would have sorted the system's failures leading to our situation.
  • I would have thought there was already a financial incentive to breastfeed since formula milk is quite a big expense. I know there are vouchers which cover the cost for the 'poor' but I believe these are giving to all regardless of how they feed baby and can be used in the supermarkets towards their normal shopping.
    Since the majority are choosing to bottle feed then financial incentives are not working, this will not work and will be abused money could be so much better spent.
  • I think every mother should try to breast feed, even if they only last a day or 2 they tried!
    I lasted approx 10wks each time, I hope to go longer this time, but if I can't I can't.
    So many of my 'young mum' (under 25) friends didn't even bother trying, and I do think they should be ashamed of that.
    A financial incentive is mostly a silly idea, and is spending in the wrong area, I agree support & advice in the hospital, before going home would be better, not from a busy midwife, who has 1000 other things to get done that hour, but a specific breastfeeding nurse?
    On the other hand, it could get a mum through just one more rough night of feeding, because tomorrow is another pay out, and then the next week, or even more goes smoothly? Just more goodness for baby!
    It does seem to be VERY open to abuse!
  • My first baby was formula fed and my second was breastfed (with formula top ups), so I have no opinion either way, other than you do what you have to do.
    I wouldn't refuse the money if it was given to me, but Ј200 isn't going to impact on such a big decision.
  • A lot of women don't breastfeed as it interferes too much with going out, drinking etc. but will make up any excuse. I don't say this lightly but from experience of many women I know sadly. The media don't have the courage to say this though.
    Where I live the support is fantastic which undoubtably got me through the first 6 weeks or so and I carried on until nearly 18 months.
    I just wonder if voucher for formula weren't given out how different the bf rates would be, I'm guessing not much, I think there needs to be a massive shift in attitude.
    The fact that bf is a big issue here shows how much of an 'issue' it is and that it isn't seem as 'normal'.
  • But there are very few women who can't really breastfeed, I'm sure for those who really want to but 'can't' a lack of support is a massive factor. In countries where formula isn't readily available or too expensive women just have to. We have very low breastfeeding rates here and surely not all those women are unable to.
    Breast feeding is very hard to begin with (in my experience, I was in tears at every feed etc.) but is so easy in the long run, I tried expressing for a bit but found it too much effort. LO was pretty good and settled into 4 hour night sleeps quite quickly.
  • I think it's a stupid idea. The money should go towards more support for mothers who want to BF. I tried it with my daughter, I gave up after a week as she had lost too much weight. We were both stressed, she was screaming constantly. I broke down when the MW said my baby would have to go back to hospital if she lost anymore weight. The MW said she would get someone to come round and help with latching but it was another week before they showed up and I'd already gone over to bottles by then and as she was finally content with the bottles and feeding well I just left it at that. If I had got the support I so desperately needed then I maybe would have carried on longer :-(
    With my 2nd child I chose to bottle feed. I feel I may have maybe given BF another go if it wernt for the MW. After birth I was shaking and in shock and wretching and vommiting and all the MW could do was try to attach him to my boob instead of leaving me til I had come round a bit and felt a bit better. After a bath and some sweet tea I felt much better but by this point I was dumped in a ward all by myself, no MW came in all day and I was sent home at tea time so no help to give BF another go and I just carried on with the formula.
    If a MW had come onto the ward to see me once I felt better I probably would have been tempted to give it another go as I did regret not even trying to BF DS X
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