28 Nov 2015

A question about : NSK; The August Fairwell

NSK; The August Farewell

title=Thanks,title=Thanks,title=Thanks, What Will Be Your Legacy? title=Thanks,title=Thanks,title=Thanks,

Many people do not realize how their actions towards money affect their lives. They live their lives selfishly, not realizing the impact of their financial choices on present and possibly future plans.

What Will Be Your Legacy Month is a time for people to reflect on their past and present actions around money, debt and savings and vow to make changes everyday that will affect their lives and those of their family in a positive manner.

The seeds, whether positive or negative, that we plant in our lives surrounding our attitude to money and debt will grow and reflect our teachings to those who witness the changes in our lives.

I read somewhere that August 2014 is What Will Be Your Legacy Month. I could be wrong. Either way it's a great idea for this months challenge. So ask yourself - will your legacy be one of financial freedom, empowerment to do what you want without the constraints of debt, and happiness in the simple things of life and not materialistic gains - are you setting your legacy to one of happiness and teachings the littles (whether yours or nephew/nieces) that debt can ruin your life and make you very unhappy…? Or are you wallowing in debt without feeling the need to really push to get rid of it.

Make your choice now!

August see's the end of The NSK Challenge's and for that I apologise. title=Frown It's been a wondrous two years (since I started this in November 2012) of meeting so many amazing people through these little games that it has become a very integral part of my existence. More so because it aided me to become debt free in 2013 and subsequently kept me on track to save enough money to leave my job in September to travel the world.

My legacy is simple;

Make the Most of This Life and Live For Yourself.

You Can Do Anything You Want.

It would not have been the same if I did not have so many willing, eager and happy contenders. It would not have been the same without you all (newbies and veterans) entering into the spirit of a slightly chaotic format, zombie related motivational speeches, and rules and regulations that would make any normal person weep.

That's right - you aren't normal. You and everyone else reading this now are a minority of freedom-fighters willing to push yourselves to the limit. Getting rid of your debt (or staying debt free) by adopting a more extreme form of money management is not easy and if I could give you all a gold star I would. You should be proud of yourselves. title=Staradmintitle=Staradmintitle=Staradmin

My life is taking a new turn now, there is a lot of prep to be completed before I leave the UK and I feel it prudent to end the challenges now instead of only entering half-heartedly which I suspect might happen as I give my time and efforts over to my next adventure. My personal blog will continue until I leave the country in November. Maybe I will see you all there?

So join me now on the last challenge, the last one standing…
Make it work, hit it hard and prove to yourself what you are capable of…

The Rules.

The Challenge will commence on the 1st August @ 00:00 and end on the 31st August @ 23:59.
You will aim for 12 SFD's (Spend Free Days).
Set your DFD (Debt Free Day) - and your ultimate goal. What are your plans once you are debt free?
You will pay towards your debt FIRST and live on what's left. Choose the amount now. When I was debt busting I have a 457 days DFD set in stone, I have to pay at least Ј800 a month towards this - I clearly never went out. How far are you willing to go to get rid of this debt..? (please keep it legal)…
You will set your food budget adequately to prevent slippage into credit card usage this month. If in doubt add a Ј20 emergency fund and put it in a separate envelope. Mine is Ј130.
You will NOT use any of the following unless specifically budgeted for and money has been set aside; restaurants, cafes, work canteens, vending machines ( yes really), Starbucks, Costa, Nero or any other chain cafe!, nor shall you use the money of another to purchase your contraband.
Set your other budgets before the beginning of the month - who are you visiting, who is having a baby, who is getting married, where are you going away for over-night, train fares into town etc… Set this money aside in envelopes.
Do a good deed and ask that person to PIO = Pass-It-On. Do not expect or act in attempt to get something back. Let's pass on good deeds and see if they come back to us. You choose what this deed it but let's not make it something we would have done anyway - lets step outside our comfort zone and see who we meet!
Choose between 20-50 items to sell on eBay. This doesn't mean they have to all be listed this month - but we are going to de-clutter together. And make money at the same time.
I want everybody doing 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. Those with injuries are obviously exempt but we need to move ourselves a little more - lets fight off illness and fatigue with some fresh air. I don't care how you do it - but lets get moving. Add again any other ways of burning calories - take the stairs, walk to the shop for bread and milk… lets get moving!!!

That's it.

Now who's up for it!


For the newbies; SFD's are basically days where no hard cash is spent at all. Clearly we over look DD, CC and Mortgage (automatic) payments as they are sometimes beyond out control. But simple spends like food, beauty products, and unnecessary items that can wait until a spend day will automatically mean you forfeit an SFD. Obviously I ask folks to be sensible - if you need petrol don't rick being stranded for the sake of an SFD, if you are ill get to the pharmacy etc. You get my drift. But anything else will ruin an SFD UNLESS it's a yellow sticker item and only yellow sticker items….

Clothes, beauty products, shoes, bags, stationary… I know what you girls are like. You don't NEED any of this. If you do - get to a 99p store. I did for two years and still do. Check out charity shops if you desperately need new clothes - I get the feeling you don't. The whole idea is to REDUCE your expenditure and INCREASE your debt repayments instead.

It gets fun, trust me..

Best answers:

  • The Contender List....
    1 - NSK
    2 - Lillian1977
    3 - Calling14
    4 - Liltdiddylilt
    5 - Fmess
    6 - CEW
    7 - Travellor
    8 - Stewby
    9 - LuckyStarr
    10 - MagicCat
    11 - HomeMadeMama
    12 - PheoniX
    13 - Shyspender
    14 - Ninno820
    15 - Lozzi81
    16 - Siouxsie32
    17 - Caeraugirl
    18 - Mothernerd
    19 - AppleMuncher
    20 - Lubava
    21 - Munchin
    22 - TiptoesDB
    23 - Abundant1972
    24 - Speakingofart
    25 - Karmachilovething
    26 - Loveadove
    27 - L_D
  • I'm in Kat. Haven't done this challenge for a while and I can tell!
    Plus I'd like to join you for your last month. xx
  • Aww count me in for the farewell challenge.
  • I am in!!! Cannot believe it is the last one. Way to go in style NSK *sob*
  • Count me in
  • Have only skimmed through but please count me in. I will go back and read it fully now.
    Chez x
  • Hi Kat-Can I come back in I knew I had too much going on last month, to commit to this one on now so I didn't. But, I'm slimmer, bolder and brighter this month and would love to join in! I still stayed on the wagon as you can see from my sig, but mentally was exhausted It feels strangeto think this will be your last But good luck with your new adventures-you've been a shining and gold star to us all
  • Me too, please!
  • Hi Kat
    Please can i join for your last challenge
    You are an inspiration and deserve every success xxx
  • Yes please Kat!
    I'm sad it's your final month, but at the same time the fact that you've conquered your debt and gone on to save enough to really follow your dreams and do what you want to is so inspiring!
  • Can I join please? I am 100% ready, no problems foreseen unlike last month.
    Good luck with everything for the future and thanks so much for all the effort you've put in for the rest of us xx
  • I'm in too please Kat! *sniff*
  • Will happily change my number if Stewby joins...
  • Count me in, not really sure how I keep missing the end of the month, but I do...goes to read!
  • Hi Kat - I used to do your challenges last year and really enjoyed them. May I join in with you one last time? Good luck with your travels and thank you for your inspirational work.
  • I cheered on in your earlier challenges and unofficially joined in with out posting so as this is your final challenge I feel that I should delurke and join in!! Is someone going to take over from you Kat?
  • Yikes, August already? Sneaking in quietly hoping nobody notices I was gone, hoping to join in again
  • Just wanted to say congratulations Kat, very impressive that you have worked so hard and done so brilliantly.
    Good luck on your trip X
  • Adding my thanks for all your hard work and the support and inspiration you have given us.
    I would also like to join the fairwell challenge (need the 'sickie' get out clause). Other than that I may fail, but I will do my best - still juggling house repairs with far too little (no) money and only limited time up the ladders + everything below knee height seems to be a no-go area. Had to ask DS3 to fish out an escaped toilet roll middle that had gone under the sink unit - I could see it but not reach it.
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