31 Aug 2016

A question about : Financial Order After Bankruptcy

Hi this is my first time posting on this board, but have many posts on the bankrupcy board and find the help invaluable.

The reason for posing on this board is that I was made bankrupt in May 2014 shortly after divorced proceedings were concluded. I now find myself in a situation where my ex-wife is now applying for a Financial order against myself.

I can not afford legal help with this and of course do not qualify for legal aid. What do I need to do? Should I tell her solicitors I am bankrupt and would this stop any action?

When I was made bankrupt there was no IPA made due to my lack of income and spare money after bills.

Please Help!

Best answers:

  • yes, tell them you are bankrupt.
    Do you have a pension? Your ex may still make a claim for a pension sharing order, if so. She may also want a clean break order to protect her agianst you making any claim on any assets she has.
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