26 Apr 2016

A question about : Housing benefit

Hi there! I'm looking for some help on applying for housing benefit please!

Me and my husband and our two young daughters have been staying with family for the last few months however we now need to find rented accommodation. We are both self employed and started a new business and have a very low income between us. The other benefits that we get are child benefit, working tax credit and child tax credit. Are we eligible for housing benefit if we rent from a private landlord through an estate agency?
Do we have to be living in a property before applying and will the landlord be notified about us receiving housing benefit?

All info and help will be much appreciated!!!

Best answers:

  • You are certainly able to claim (any payment will be based on your income) and you can do so up to 13 weeks in advance. Your landlord isn't informed of your claim.
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