07 Sep 2023

A question about : Quick question about bank accounts

Hi, I recently had my own bank account closed due to an outstanding debt with it being passed along to a debtor. Now though, I've finally got a plan together to pay it off.

But, it involves taking money from a savings account that was set up for me by my parents and is still in my mother's name. My question is, would that account be closed too or is it safe because it's not technically in my control? Only she can withdraw money from it.

Apologies if I'm asking a silly question but I figured asking here would be quicker (and cheaper!) than fighting with the bank's electronic phone systems.

Thanks for any help.

Best answers:

  • If its not in your name and not linked to you, as it wouldn't be if it was in your mothers name, why would they close it ?
    It obviously has money in it yes ?
    Should be fine !!
  • The banks will only usually close an account if :
    (A) the customer requests it,
    (B) there is some issue regarding debt.
    if none of those apply, then there should be no problem, except explaining it all to your mum I suspect !!!
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