30 Oct 2022

A question about : Red recovery


I was wondering if you could help?

I received a letter from Red Recovery for a debit for T-Mobile. The letter was in a name I have not used since I was 18 (it was a known-as name changed by my mother and when I was 19 I reverted back to the name on my Birth Certificate to get my licence, passport etc)

I called them to see what this was all about and they advised me it was for a debt in 2003, when I would have been 15! I do remember getting a mobile contract at 15 and as it was 10 years ago they didn't ask for any ID just bank card. I do admit that I put the incorrect DOB on the forms for the phone etc and when my mum found it she called T-Mobile and explained I was 15 and they didn't ask for ID. T-Mobile said they would wipe this off as I was a minor so nothing further could be done about it.

I explained to Red about this and said I would send in a copy of my driving licence to them to show that 1) legally my surname was not the same as what they have and 2) my correct date of birth. I only done this to show them that the debt was invalid.

They have came back to me today to say that they have traced my details and as my previous name is linked to my credit file there is another 3 accounts in my previous name at a different address (they have the incorrect door number). They have asked me to confirm how this will be paid etc.

I was 18 7 years ago, can they do anything about this now? I don't even remember having the debt that they say I have had!

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