10 Jun 2019

A question about : nt IPA questions

Hi all,

I am due to be discharged in may and have an nt IPA. Am I right in thinking that this only runs until the end of the financial year?
Therefore my last payment will be April 1st?

Will it needs to provide proof that the tax is being taken, i.each wage slip, or do I just cancel the standing order for Clarke Wilmot?


Best answers:

  • Yes, it will end in April....as in, your NT code will change. Do not continue paying [via DD] if your code has altered.
    However, if there were any variations due to overtime, etc...which have not caught up, these may need to be settled afterwards?
    Over-payments will eventually come back to you.......
  • That's great thanks. No overtime worries as I am on a fixed salary. Thanks
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