22 Apr 2019

A question about : Veterans support in Scotland

Hi guys, Does anyone know of any support groups for veterans in Scotland? I'm working on a project at minute that provides support to ex servicemen and women to take the right steps and training towards gaining employment.

Finding it really hard to track down support groups or organisations that help veterans.

Any info would be great.


Best answers:

  • Im sure SSAFA help scottish ex servicemen
  • Hi- there is currently a Remploy project that supports ex-service people, also dependant on when they left there is a myriad of support including that of:
    -Poppy Scotland
    -The Career Transition Partnership
    -website called 'Right Job'
    -website called civvystreet
    access to funding for training/education- google 'enhanced learning credits'.
    this is off top of my head but can find out more................
  • Why not look at the Veterans Scotland website? There are 53 organisations working with the Veterans Community in Scotland.
  • I have nothing to add to your post, though I am just saying that people have read your post, and I am sure someone will be along soon to reply.
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