13 Mar 2018

A question about : Lost driving license


Sorry I didn't really know where to put this thread so please feel free to move it.

I lost my bag today in a pub, thankfully the only important thing in there was my driving license. I went back but it has since gone.

Is there anything I should be worried about? It's got my address on it and I'm paranoid about this.

Any advice? I don't think there's much I can't really do apart from order a new one.

Best answers:

  • I'd get worried about ID theft and keep a close look on my credit files for a while. CRAs offer alert service, but it's not free. I guess the main danger is mobile phone contracts.
    As a side note, do you always have your license on you?
  • What was the BG thinking when moving this thread?!
    What on earth does this have to do with motoring except the word 'driving?!
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