14 Dec 2017

A question about : The Sock

Once upon a time there was a pair of socks, manufactured together, twins, partnered for life, sole mates - until one day when they hit the laundry basket.

Please continue the story one sentence at a time.

Best answers:

  • Then the clever batchelor brought them back together again.
  • Accompanied by the clapped out piana.
  • The bachelors had only just finished singing 'Charmaine' when they heard a knock at the door; it was the inspector from the National Society for the Prevention of Carelessness to Socks and Awful Irish Songs.
  • Because the bachelors opened the door the unwashed socks felt the breeze and promptly escaped into the vast unknown.......
  • They spied a bus thought that's for us jumped on still singing that song
  • and i really thought this was about a w*** sock
  • To continue the story the socks flew over London and one of them got sucked into a plane's engine.
  • The socks smelt so revolting that a passing vulture pecked it out of the engine and carried it away (the socks were now parted).
  • The awful whiff that emulated from the offending article was enough to send the pilot out cold...
  • The pilot awoke and had to warn the passengers that he was locked out of the sockpit sorry !!!!pit.
  • Luckily someone had thought to blow up the automatic pilot...
  • But one of the passengers desperate after a thirteen hour flight mistook it for a blow up doll.
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