19 Dec 2015

A question about : The 'No More Buying DVDs Until I Have Watched the Ones I Already Own' Thread

So first there was the 'No More Buying Toiletries' Thread in which people plegded not to buy any more toiletries until they had used up those which they already owned.

This set me (and others) thinking about other areas in which we had what came to be known as 'stashes' of things which laid unused. This resulted in the ''No More Buying Books Until I've Read the Ones I've Already Bought' Thread'. However, I knew there was another guilty secret awaiting me under my bed...

...DVDs! title=Embarrassment Oh yes, lots and lots of them. Beautiful films, films I have wanted to watch for ages (but never quite got round to it), films I bought when on special offer (who can resist a bargain?), but things, ultimately, that have not yet been used.

Hence the third challenge: no more buying any more DVDs until I have watched all the ones I own. I may lend from others (although this will slow me down in my ultimate aim of watching my own), swap and sell if I wish (although being MSE, would not like to pay more for an incoming DVD than I paid for an outgoing one), and sell or dispose of otherwise (charity shop, other charity, give to friends etc. as desired), but I do not want the number of DVDs I own to increase until I have watched them all, and then (maybe) have disposed of some I don't like/know I will never watch again etc.

Who is with me on this one?! title=Winktitle=Have
(I'll let you know how many I've got when I've got time to count: I'm due in work soon!)

Best answers:

  • This post stood out to me.
    I must have 4 or 5 that I have bought and not watched. I just pick them up while walking aroudn the supermarket. I have made the subconscious decision not to buy any more.
    I almost bought Borat the other day. Even though I have seen it and thought it was just OK, I saw it for Ј4 and thought about it.
    Must be some form of addiction.
  • Hello Pickle, can i join in,last count 174 DVD's only watch 30 so far .
  • Can I join in toomaybe we can list the dvds we have and see if anyone wants to swap.Although an element of trust is involved it's worth a try we can always negotiate by PM
  • Try swapcycle then, just found it but lost the link
  • Yep, I'm in - haven't been too bad recently with buying but we've rejoined LoveFilm so it'll be a struggle to watch the ones we own!
  • hi i might do well on this thread as i am a lost cause on the book onedont really buy dvd's but hubby has loads i will buy box sets though as he works horrid hours and we can watch them together anytime,after we have watched they go on amazon they sell really well and sometimes i make a profit .
  • I saw the books one and i thought DVDs too, problem is i have watched all my DVDs already, probably a good 200+ of them, maybe enjoyable night in had so far What i need to do is stop buying DVDs :P
  • I have just begun to watch mine. Saturdays night movie was Twilight, followed by the special features on sunday night
    Tonight i'm going to try to watch another!.
    I wanted to buy Juno, and crazy/beautiful but stopped myself last week
    I think part of not watching them is the laziness. I have to go plug the dvd player in, insert the disc, get the remote, it's lazy but do all this before hand, and then when it comes to watching the movie, its already in the player, the remote is near you and all you have to do is sit and watch!
  • Hurrah finally a challenge that I don't need to subscribe to I'm not that struck on films and download all the TV I want to watch so I'm clean as a whistle on this one good luck!
  • Sorry when I said 5, I didn't mean overall, just from recent past. I may not have the 100s you guys have but certainly in 10s
  • we would be useless at this challenge we have 100's of dvds we want to watch (dare a say even some on video) but there is always a new film coming out that you NEED to see! we have got better and made the decision at christmas to try and cut back on on film buying habit. a couple of friends have lent us new releases that have turned out to be one watchers that we would have normally brought them so by borrowing them we have saved money and cut down on the films hiding in the cupboards.
    we will set ourselves a subchallenge of trying to watch at least 1 from the unwatched stash each week
    good luck to everyone taking part in this
  • I'll join - only cos I'm nosey and want to see what others have got. We have tons of DVDs that we have not watched. The only ones that we will be guranteed to watch are TV sets. I bought MrM the whole set of The Shield (7 seasons) for Christmas and we have watched these. Likewise, we've bought box sets of 24, Lost and Dexter and watched all these.
  • Ive got a database of my DVD's, 275 items are on there. However, a big box set only counts as 1 item, so theres a lot to watch. I have loads that I havent watched since i bought them on DVD, like the X Files (9 seasons!), Buffy (7 seasons!), Alias (5 seasons!) so theres a lot to get through. I think I got a DVD player in 2002, theres loads I bought around that time and have only watched once, so I didnt need to buy them really. I can enter the viewing date on my database, the lack of dates on there shames me!
  • I have been cutting down lately, sold a few on Amazon and so on.
    Is it just me or when a film you have on DVD. If it's on TV you will sit up and watch but you wouldn't even think to go to bed and watch it any time you want lol
  • Pickle, your threads really make me smile bless your heart!
    My problem isn't the number of dvds, its the number Ive watched time and time again until, I ve needed to replace them completely. The film for me that I can never get tired of watching is Will smith In the pursuit of Happiness. Just such an inspirational true story. Goes to show that whatever your circumstances, with a bit of determination, guts, and courage you will find a way to see through your dream.
    Take care pickle.
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