30 Dec 2016

A question about : News about trains constant delays but horrible service

For the past couple of days I came across a few articles about how railway companies being constantly late and having stupid policies on compensations when it comes to delays.
For example: a passenger is entitled to a compensation only if the train is more than 30 minutes late and even then it's not a full refund but a partial one. However, at the same time they are allowed to be constantly late everyday as long as the delay falls under under the 30 minutes time.
There are other terms that I find extremely unfair:
I have recently applied for refund for a journey in which my train was cancelled and they are given 20 days to reply to a complaint.

I remember a few users replying in some of my threads previously to questions like:
How come companies are allowed to put whatever they want in their policies? The reply was that they are not and that there are strict rules on what they can and can't have in their policy.
-Then why is it that no one sees these terms and conditions being simply stupid and doesn't treat them as illegal?

-I also asked why is it that railway companies are not penalised for these constant delays and the answer was that they are,based on their average performance, if it falls under a specific threshold then they are fined.
how is it then we, as passenger, seem to be hit the most and who gets these fines, shouldn't these fines be used to repair damages? if so why don't they go back to passengers?

It would be nice if MSE could take a similar stand again railway companies like it did with the gas electricity.

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