18 Apr 2017

A question about : Needle felting?

(Also posted on OS board but didn't know this one existed!) does anyone here needle felt and can recommend what you'd need to get started? Have seen some kits i.e. the Kirstie Allsop one and one on Amazon but not sure if it's better to buy the bits elsewhere, I would really like to give this a go but don't want to waste my money! Thanks in advance title=Big

Best answers:

  • I've just started trying to do it (I'm crap at the moment) so I'm going to be very interested in any reply you get. My sister who's very good gave me some felting needles and some of her wool to practise with and she gave me a quick lesson. It is fun and I'm enjoying it a lot, I'm also enjoying it more since I got finger guards to stop me stabbing myself every few seconds.
  • How are you getting on Kinski, has practice helped?! I have a starter kit now and a fab book so I'm going to give it a go at the weekend... Will watch the fingers!
  • I needle felt. I'm not that good but enjoy it.
    I use upholstery foam to felt on to which I got from Dunelm Mill, it's a lot cheaper than the brush like things you can get. My needle pen I got from Hobbycraft (pink, 3 needles in it, about Ј10).
    I get my fibres from Adelaide Walker (https://www.adelaidewalker.co.uk/) If you are anywhere near to Otley, West Yorkshire it's worth a visit, otherwise you can buy online.
    You can get kits, but I've never bothered. Look on pinterest for needle felting and you will get loads of ideas, just start simple.
    It can be easiest to start 2D first, and I actually prefer it. Buy regular felt from a craft shop, and put it on your upholstery foam, and use it as the background for your picture, layering the colours up slowly. Remember it's easier to add more fibres than to take them off.
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