20 Oct 2016

A question about : My recent bargain holidays deals....

In the last few years I have been on a few out of season cheapy holiday deals using the onthebeach website (deal finder). We have travelled as a couple to the following destinations for the following prices.

Ibiza - Ј110
Portugal - Ј75
Egypt - Ј214
Amsterdam - Ј90
Costa brava - Ј160, we could of got this one for Ј100 but left it too late to book.
Majorca - Ј117
Malta - Ј68
Fuertaventura - Ј199 (using teletext holidays, we felt we could have got this cheaper)

It seems when going on these holidays we bump into other people who have paid substantially more money (often over double what we paid).
Im not trying to show off, well maybe a little title=Big but thought this might help out a few people looking for some cheap sun. We always check out the hotels on tripadvisor before booking. Also we book the transfers seperately not using the onthebeach website and only take hand luggage. We call it a hand luggage holiday which I gather alot of people are doing these days based on what I see in the airports.

Anyhow I thought i'd share this with you lovely lot. I cant believe people still use high street travel agents. I also noticed the moneysavingexpert website didnt list onthebeach website as an option for booking cheap deals. Have they had bad press? I prefer the online booking approach. We find if we talk to a call centre then they always find a way of bumping up the price by giving us a better flying time/day or convincing us to use their transfers or travel insurance. Incidently I never take out travel insurance since having an EHIC card. The majority of excess's on the insurance would cost more than my luggage and contents is worth.

I thought id share this with you all, thanks title=Wink

Best answers:

  • Never travel with out insurance you have been lucky up to now and those prices are for in term holidays no good for familys
  • I used teletext holidays for citybreaks (Amsterdam). The only difference with Teletext is you have to ring a sales operator/call centre.
    Yes all the quotes above are out of season but the weather was always superb and no screaming kids running around. However I now have a child on the way so maybe this is the end of the cheap deals for me. It was good while it lasted
  • Ive never seen a dynamicsly packaged holiday with OTB, Travelrepublic, Sunshine etc etc that I couldnt undercut by booking the flights myself and then shopping around for the accom provider. Sometimes we fly out with one airline and back with another if it suits and none of them seem to provide that option.
    OTB have NEVER been even close to cheapest for accom only, where we want to stay. TR and Sunshine, Quickrooms too, have however.
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