23 Feb 2017

A question about : My baby seedlings

Am a very happy bunny today. Have patiently watched, watered and waited..........and the seedlings are popping through happily now. The plants are well away but the veg have taken a little longer but sprouting now. The broccolli is going great guns.
So I have broccolli, carrots, peppers and leeks. Cabbage and lettuce will be done this weekend and I'm going to do another couple of broccolli to see me through later on in the year. Thanks to all that inspired me.

Best answers:

  • Well done, after weeks of waiting my courgettes have finally decided to join everything else and show their little green heads.
  • Yey, well done. I finally got round to planting mine last week and I noticed this morning that one tomato plant is just trying to poke it's head through I'm a bit too excited, I'm checking it too often to see how much it's grown. Can't wait for more to grow now.
    I planted some herbs and garlic a few weeks ago and they all popped up within a few days. I was a bit worried I'd done something wrong so thanks Moggins, good to know they can take a few weeks to come through. (can't you tell I'm not a gardener or good at being patient )
  • Some of the potatoes in my garden have poked their heads above ground level. Which is fantastic. Mind you, I'll have to get an allotment soon, because the potatoes have been planted within our postage stamp garden. Want more fruit and veg.
  • I planted the free red sunflower seeds that Warburtons were giving away last year. So far there are two tiny shoots. Daughter has already grown two cracking sunflowers, they must be about 2-3 feet high already, which are currently in a big pot I got from the florists until I can the "flower" beds sorted out.
    I've also planted five garlic cloves (I put garlic in nearly everything and we LOVE garlic bread which can take a whole bulb to make) but so far not even a shoot
    I'm waiting until next week then I'm going to order some seeds for lettuce, carrots etc. It's going to take me at least another week to get the garden in order but then my already full window sill will be full of marg tubs with seedlings in
  • Does anyone know if there is any way one can swap seeds over? I have butterhead, cut n'come again lettuce, rocket, and carrot seeds left over. As there are hundreds of seeds in each packet and my garden is only small, I wonder if anyone knows where I could swap say 1/2 a packet of rocket seeds for some broccolli or other type of seeds.
    I know they're only about Ј1.99 a packet but I'm trying not to spend!!!
  • So happy others are nurturing their baby gardens. I too have seeds over, I did just think of keeping them till next year but if there any use now I'll examin what I have when I get home and post a full list. (a sneaky peek from work here)
  • mine are coming along nicely too. The basil is the slowest, but there are a couple of small shoots coming though. The coriander is a small jungle and the swiss chard looks great. HOWEVER, I did manage to kill the rocket - ooopps :rolleyes:
    not sure if i'll ever manage to eat any of it - put it makes my window sill nice to look at when I am doing the washing up.
  • I have a pot outside with a variety of herbs in it (will have to replace next year...but that's another story). The sage is starting to grow, as is the thyme, and chives. I think the parsley needs a funeral though, which is annoying as this is the one I used the most.
    Elsewhere, is rosemary (can't grow fast enough), and curry (only a baby, but growing rather fast).
  • Just had a look at my seeds/garlic and they have finally sprouted I think the warmth of the kitchen on Sunday and yesterday with all the cooking/baking I've been doing has warmed it up enough for them. I just hope they will survive my weekend away.
    I bought a mint plant from Asda yesterday and I'm going to pot that up into a bigger tub as soon as the rain stops long enough for me to get out into the yard!
    I'm going to have to put off buying seeds for another week, our toaster died yesterday so I had to spend my seed money on a new one. :rolleyes:
  • Nicki if you soak a teatowel and put it into the sink, put the seeds/pots/trays on top of that it will keep them going for a few days.
  • At the moment in my cold frame I have red salad, rocket and some other salad leaves growing.
    My mum planted them up as she has a greenhouse and I don't at the moment.
    They seem to be coming on really well. As I hate paying silly prices for bags of salad. As I find salads with just iceberg get a little boring.
    Just need to to start to think about what else I can plant in our new garden.
    Might try some taters.
  • Our weekend away involved staying at OH's grandads who grows LOADS of his own veg and he's given us 3 packets of seeds for nothing, then I went out to wilkinsons and bought some more. Currently I have sown onions, strawberries, lettuce, basil and tomatoes.
    When I've finished sorting out my flowerbed (this week weather permitting) I've also got Beetroot, Spring Onions (red ninja - never even seen this variety before, let alone grown it!), radish, carrots, parsnips and potatoes. This along with all I've already got growing and I'm hoping for a wonderful summer of tending to my own veg and picking it fresh for the first time in about 13 years never mind savings loads of money!!!!!!
  • Have a look if there is a freecycle group in your area on www.yahoogroups.com. I've seen seeds being given away on there, and you can also give away unwanted seeds.
  • Hi
    Just wondered how everyone's seeds are doing?
    My toms and cucumbers are only a couple of inches high and im panicking that its going to be too late to get any veg from them
  • Don't panic Leonie, mine are only about that high too. They can't go outside for another couple of weeks yet anyway (because there is still a slight risk of frost). If you think how much they've grown in the last fortnight they should be just about the right size when you come to plant them out (at least, that's what I keep telling myself, I've never done this from seed before )
    I think my biggest problem is going to come in a few months time when I'll be posting 'what to do with millions of cherry tomatos?' I planted loads so they'd germinate (and thinking I'm not very green fingered) but they've all taken really well, so well I've got 37 plants to plant out . I've been offering them around friends and relations but I'll still have loads left and I don't want to kill them, it just seems mean
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