18 Sep 2016

A question about : Mums get organised in 2013

Does anybody want to join me on a thread to support each other with managing our family life.

I thought we could support each other with how we have to juggle our lives e.g. homes, children, work in 2013 and find ways to make things a bit easier for ourselves.

My ideas of things we could support each other with:
Getting our homes organised and decluttered
Any bargains we come accross
Recommend products
Getting organised for Easter, summer, christmas etc
Fun stuff
Saving money

Let me know if you are interested.

Best answers:

  • Chanie
    definitely interested, though I daresay I'm more likley to lurk and shamelessly steal lots of ideas. Though I'll contribute when I've got something to contribute too.
  • Sounds brilliant, count me in -
  • Great, nice to meet you both.
    I really want to enjoy my 2013 and not feel like I'm always stressed. We both work full time and so end up leaving most of the housework until the weekends which means we spend our weekends tidying up rather than doing nice things. Luckily the children are 2.5 and 4 months so they are content, but as they get older, they will want to do more.
    I am organised to a certain extent, but then it all goes wrong. For example, I managed to buy some presents for my friends son for Christmas, months ago, but I havent' sent them. I really want to get organised, but actually follow it through, iyswim.
  • Yes please. I work away from home a lot, with all the unhealthy lifestyle, stress and lack of time for home that that entails so it would be great to get some ideas and tips.
  • I'll join you if that's ok.
    I have started to declutter before Christmas, but it's a big job! This week's plan is
    To find homes for all Christmas presents
    Choose an area to declutter, sort it out and clean it
    Peel, chop and steam excess veg, separate into portions, and freeze
    Create a weekly 'to do' list that I can update easily - I might keep this with my diary, or pin it up above the kettle. I'm not sure which, yet.
    Since we only have a few days left this week, I think that is enough on top of all the usual washing, housework, and spending time with the kids. Hopefully I will be able to report back that I have been successful. I think sharing my intentions is likely to motivate me, as I don't want to share failures
    Has anyone else decided on any firm plans on how to go forward?
  • Ooo I may join, or just lurk!
    I need to be more organised. Everyone thinks I am very organised, but its very much the swan scene. On top all calm and dignified, underneath paddling like hell!
    Off to start on next years bargains now
  • Please could I join?
    I am a lurker on this site but I hope to join in a bit more next year, I too seem to be organised on the outside but really I am in panic mode, I had purchased all Christmss presents before december but still found myself wrapping on christmas eve???? Why?
    Look forward to hearig from you all in 2013
    CC x
  • This thread has my name all over it!!! I'm hopeless at organisation - I didn't send a single Christmas card this year i felt so bad i ended up giving Ј20 to Cancer Research on Xmas eve!!
    This weeks tasks for me!
    Go to the tip - all that cardboard
    Get sofa cover from line - been there since before Xmas!!!!
    Source and buy navy jog suit for DS2 - starts nursery on the 8/01/2013 and i have red polo's but not navy joggers or jumper aged 3-4 (If anyone has any idea - I'd like them to match)
    Sort toy storage
    Enough for this week as i have work 12hrs Saturday and 6 on Sunday! Ych a fi!
  • I'm game! Just new to this whole Mum thing so any help will be greatly appreciated!
  • Count me in too
    The main thing that i am trying to sort out is the amount of time spent online.
    i spend about 2 hours a day job hunting and applyng for jobs online, but then i get distracted by various blogs, MSE, FB etc...so i am aiming to only be online 3 hours a day; 2 hours for job hunting, and 1 hour for pleasure
    of course, this will change once i get a job (keep your fingers crossed for me please!!).
  • Would love to join but will probably just lurk. Have been trying to declutter for years, sooooo disorganised. Look forward to hearing how you're all doing which will inspire me.
  • Last year i got a Life Diary from here:
    I have 3 children, at 3 different schools, a husband that is away with work 3 weeks out of 4 plus the middle child is disabled.
    I got so upset with all the stuff i missed at the schools.....the time spent driving to schools receptions because 1 child had gone with the wrong kit for the day.......etc etc.
    I was missing dentists appointments, hairdressers........stuff off the shopping list (that i always made but left on the kitchen worktop)
    Jeez.....i used to hold down a good job yet motherhood turned me into a gibbering wreck. I can't say it saved my life but its gone some way to saving my sanity
    This year.....Santa has brought me another one for 2013
  • OMG Patty, i am on love with those diaries!
    Maybe i'll treat myself when i have flogged some stuff on ebay (another aim is not to spend inless i need to!).
  • Those diaries/organisers are fab, but wait a bit, as they will be reduced in a few weeks once the new year has started (probably not online, but a few stores like J Lewis sell them and they generally reduce them a few weeks into the New Year). Otherwise a few other places have cottoned on to how good they are and are bringing out their own similar products. A stall in our local shopping centre has produced a calendar very similar to my organised mum calendar that I've been using - much cheaper so that's where I'll be going for next year's. They're a huge help though, couldn't do without one now.
  • Urgghh, I need to join! I have 3 kids, aged 5, nearly 3 and 4 weeks. Am currently on maternity leave, and my particular problem is stuff! Stuff everywhere in my house, I can never find anything, the kids have so many toys, I have so many books, the whole place needs a blitz. And we have major building works in March which will leave me without a washing machine for 12 weeks! GULP! Aims for January are
    1./ sort all clothes out. Get rid of stored boys clothes as my baby is a girl and no more kids here, thanks!
    2./ declutterer bookcases. Books to charity shop . Buy new bookcase as one of my current ones is only held up by the books wedged into it...
    3./ clear out dining room
    4./ clear out DD (age 5) room. She has a big room and its become a dumping ground (moreso than the rest of the house!)
    5./ do something nice with our room - it's finally been decorated, but wall decoration and nice pillows/bed linen required. Slight hitch in that mat pay means no money, but I'm handy with a sewing machine and crochet hook so we'll see
    6./ work on my resolution to give mostly handmade presents - this requires me to make a birthday chart so I can plan ahead. Plus 3 weddings and 2 christenings (I am to be godmother for both :-). This will be my hardest challenge, I think.
    Writing all that down makes it seem easier somehow! I'm sat here with a sleeping baby on my lap, DD is not well and is asleep in bed, OH and DS watching a film. Lazy day. And turkey curry for tea yum yum.
    Oh yes, I need to do more meal planning as the grocery budget needs to lose some weight (like me!)
    Onwards and upwards...
  • Those Organised Mum diaries.......the first 1 i had came from The Works about the end of January.
    I paid a fiver for it
    I wasn't convinced it would work see
    IIRC...there was a thread on Grabbit about them being in there for Ј5.
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