15 Jul 2019

A question about : MSE News: 'Just been charged Ј183 for one call via 118 118' – that's more than a sex

The firm 118 118's adverts once gave the nation a great giggle – yet its rip-off prices are no laughing matter ...

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'Just been charged Ј183 for one call via 118 118' – that's more than a sex line


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Best answers:

  • I really don't understand why in this day and age people are still using 118.
    A quick Google search for the company and phone number you are looking for, and if it is an 0870/0845 number, just download one of the numerous free apps on your smartphone that dial the number for you but you are never charged for as it comes out of your minutes allowance.
    Or failing that, use the 'say no 0870' website.
    Or if you absolutely must use 118, why not just get the number, hang up and then redial it yourself?
    A fool and his money are soon parted springs to mind.
  • This story is the darker side of capitalism that means lack of knowledge means exorbitant fees. But I guess there's not much to be gained by most of the regular forumites commenting on this. We're exactly the opposite of "information disenfranchised".
    So I'll get my popcorn and wait for the "people should already know these costs and avoid them" comments to roll on in
  • think I'd prefer to call the sex chat line - much more fun.
  • I can't remember the last time I used directory enquiries. I wonder how often it's used by employees so the employer picks up the tab.
  • why do people not read the T&C's on how much a service will cost before you use it - then moan on a social network site when they have been billed for using the service at the said rate ?
  • "I really don't understand why in this day and age people are still using 118."
    I always apply the 'would my mum fall for this' test.
    For the record, she's in her seventies, uses the internet in a fairly limited way, and almost certainly not when mobile. And she'd probably let a Safestyle salesman into the house. In other words a pretty normal pensioner.
    And, yes she would fall for it on this one. Ergo it is a trap. And the complete who thought up and implemented that pricing scheme should have their genitalia boiled in syrup - and then removed !
  • "shocking" - No
    "expensive" - Yes
    Free alternatives - Yes
    Pricing clearly labelled and advised prior to point of sale - Yes
    Yes another individual un willing to accept personal responsibility for their actions.
    I might tweet Martin my weekend's shocking revelations.
    I went to a casino and 'lost' Ј50 on roulette, at no stage was I advised of the exact odds on gambling, and I hold the Casino responsible for my actions (and Mr Artois)
  • Most of the comments on this thread are missing the point that Martin is making here.
    The blog does not question whether or not 118 118 is operating legally - of course it is. If they weren't, consumers wouldn't need to turn to the community to air their grievances and look for a solution, it would be a clear case of law.
    Nor is it relevant to point out that the customer should have read the smallprint first. Let's face it, who does when they're in a hurry? If someone has the ability and the time to scrutinise the T's & C's, they wouldn't be using 118 118 in the first place - it would be quicker and cheaper to use Google. And if you think the customer should have looked up the costs BEFORE an emergency occurred, so they were already aware of what it would cost them should they ever need to dial such a number, I challenge you to memorise the pricing of every service of convenience that you MIGHT need to use one day...
    The point is that 118 118 is not operating in an ethical, open or customer-centric manner. They are clearly overcharging for a low-value service by trading on their customers' predicaments, and disguising their exorbitant charges behind woolly, hard-to-find terms and conditions.
    Therefore, we should sympathise with the tweeter's plight, as it is often only a joint community effort that results in unethical business practices being nipped in the bud. If enough people complain about a company's underhand tactics, there just may be enough collective clout to persuade the company to make things clearer or cheaper. MSE has used its influence to bring about positive changes to benefit consumers on many occasions, and long may it continue.
  • I suppose they've got to pay for those bloody stupid TV adverts somehow.
  • Silly me.
    I had not realised 118 118 was the price of using them.
  • I made 3 calls to a different directory service from a mobile, starting with Ј5 credit and surviving, when there was no internet connection.
    The only other time I've used directory service from a mobile, I got details of the nearest tyre places and we arrived at one 5 minutes before it would have closed. Without the Ј1.50 directory call there would have been the cost of two hotel rooms for the night.
    Twice in 15 years is survivable.
  • Another example, there have been a few this week, start using the Internet, there was a story last year of a woman spending Ј100 a month!! On 118 calls her money saving tip, you guessed it use the Internet, some people shouldn't be allowed to spend money
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