03 Mar 2019

A question about : Mothers , Where did you go into labour?

you here about people going into labour on a train or somewhere miles away from a hospital , just wondering were you went into labour?

Best answers:

  • First time at home - went n to hospital that morning for planned induction, only to be told I'd started off by myself, which I thought I had (I'm a midwife). Second time in hospital (induction). It's not usually an issue not being close to a hospital at the onset of labour as things take a while to get established.
  • At home both times. Just went for a walk each time and then came home and waited it out.
  • I always thought it would be like on the tv, where my waters would break, I would be rushed to hospital and 30 seconds later, my baby would be born. It's no surprise to say I was at home both times, as I was too scared to go out!!!!
    In all honesty, it got so uncomfortable towards the end of my pregnancies that I didn't want to go too far.
  • Both tines around 9pm at home.
  • At home - my waters broke just as I was about to sit on the loo, that sat ngt had Dd at 11.55am on the Sunday morning we joke she was holding out for opening hrs, I was due to be induced on the Monday xx
  • I was at home, in bed when my waters broke. I'm afraid to say that first time labours are longest, on average, and even being a few hours away from a hospital will usually be plenty of time to get there. Personally I could've got to NZ and back in the time mine took! Saying that, averages are just that- average. Plenty of women have very quick births even the first time round, it does happen. You might want to check whether there's a history of quick deliveries in your family, it can be hereditary. If there is, maybe that's more relevant to you than the 'average'. And it's not always easy to distinguish between early contractions and the general aches and pains of late pregnancy either.
  • Waters didn't break with our first and she was born in the sack, from first mild contractions to birth was 30 hours, our son was born within forty minutes of my wife's waters breaking and after ten minutes of contractions. Luckily my wife has partial paralysis (lucky in this case) so she was hospitalised from 25 weeks, he was born at 29 weeks, if she wasnt already in hospital he would have died.
  • At home, in bed! Just about managed to get to the loo and laughed myself silly.......DS was born in hospital 8hrs later. He was 4 weeks early.
    He was my first. Gives me much hope for a second baby and a short labour!
    *runs away from all the stares off mums who had very long labours!*
    Sorry x
  • My waters broke in the hospital toilets when i had just arrived at the hospital, it was a tidal wave full of meconium. To the cleaner that had to clean it up, i'm so sorry.!!
  • I started with back ache at home, 9:15pm on the Friday night. I didn't know then baby was back to back and didnt end up arriving until 6:20pm Monday!
    I'm pregnant with my second and am desperate for baby to be in a good position!
  • My wife gave birth in our Ford Sierra in a farm gateway.... Easiest labour she ever had
  • My waters broke in Costa coffee while out shopping!!
  • In the office!
  • My waters broke at home with both my children with contractions starting about 12 hours afterwards. I had my first at the hospital about 4 hours after I arrived - a 9 hour labour altogether from first pain.
    DS was quite impatient to arrive though. Labour lasted 90 mins all in with only 5 mins of it in the hospital. We literally slung the car outside the hospital entrance, waddled into maternity with me yelling that the baby was 'coming now', leggings down, baby out... Job done!
    It was a little traumatic at the time as I firmly believe that my babies should be born in hospital and definitely not in a car in rush hour traffic.
  • My waters broke, for both my girls, within an hour of them being born.
    That made it difficult for my exasperated husband (second time round) not to be vexed at the hospital when they they asked, "If her waters haven't broken, why are you here?"
    Forty minutes later our second daughter was born.
    Not that I condoned it, but I understood his smug grin at the midwife.
  • With my second baby, I was woken up by a huge labour pain at 4am. I shot out of bed like a bullet! My labours go on for hours and hours though, so I just walked around, then at 7am my waters broke, so my DH then took me to hospital. Didn't have my baby till 5.15pm.
  • In the middle of my court divorce hearing- the poor solicitor helped me into a taxi to the hospital contracting and waters gone, i was a complete mess!!! LOL had my wee baby girl 10 hours later rushed off to NICU (she was a bit early!)
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