22 Dec 2017

A question about : MoneySaving Poll: What gift cards do you value the most?

Poll started 8 September 2014

What gift cards do you value the most?

Imagine a friend was willing to sell you their Ј100 gift card (for personal use not to resell). How much would you pay for it (answer from as many of the following options as you like)?

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Best answers:

  • For 'worthless' read 'no use to me'
  • "Worthless"
    Boots 12%.
    Argos 11%
    Love2shop 31%
    So people don't want more choice as you can spend Love2Shop in many places including both Boots and Argos.
  • I am gobsmacked at how many people think a Ј100 voucher is WORTHLESS! Currently, 40% of people think a Ј100 iTunes voucher is worthless which is fair enough if you don't purchase anything from iTunes but 36% thinking a one4all voucher is worthless and 30% thinking a love2shop voucher is worthless is just crazy. These vouchers can be used is lots of places, places I'm sure they shop already without realising!
  • To work out the actual value of these polls it would be worth asking a random question something like:
    "Does 2+2 =
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1000000."
    Then, by the answers, at least you could gauge the usefullness of future polls
  • up to Ј50 for food ones. no loss to friend, as a gift anyway?
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