10 Jul 2016

A question about : Ministers To 'Approve Compulsory Water Meters'

The Government is planning to make household water meters compulsory, according to a report.

Ministers are said to be on the verge of agreeing to a request from Thames Water to install metering across the board. If that happens, other companies are expected to follow suit.

The firm told Sky News it was not aware that an announcement is imminent, but spokesman Simon Evans said that if a report in the Sunday Times is true it would be excellent news.

Mr Evans stressed there is no connection between a possible decision and the current drought, insisting the company has been lobbying for blanket metering since 2008.

Rest here....


Best answers:

  • Pay for what you use? What a revolutionary concept!!!
    What I find strange is that for the past 20+ years all the water companies have been able to make meters compulsory on change of occupant, yet that regulation has rarely been enforced.
  • About time too..
  • Is the UK still the only country in Europe that offers unmetered supplies?
  • not only are we forced to pay for the water but the water we pay for is unhealthy , check out fluoride .
  • Damn sight more healthy then half the world though..and why shouldn't we pay for it ? Should it be free ?and if so, why ?
  • Only certain areas of the UK has fluoride added to the water supply. These are usually highly deprived areas with poor dental health. Fluoride is not added at the water companies request but that of the NHS/Government.
    If you don't want the water why don't you request that your house is permanently disconnected from the mains, fill in your sewerage pipes and see how you get on.
  • 'Water comes from the sky so it should be free'?
    Well, gas and oil comes from the ground, so shouldn't gas and petrol be free as well?
    You seem to forget that someone has to get the stuff out or collect it, treat it, store it and deliver it! And then dispose of it at the other end.
    You'll get a lot more diseases drinking rainwater and tipping your sewage in the garden than you will from fluoride.
    You are happy 'to be posioned'-but not to pay for it as well-rather bizarre!
  • The NHS have been giving my wife a rat poison(called Warfarin)
  • Metered water..? Rip out that combi boiler and revert back to stored systems
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