16 Feb 2017

A question about : mini greenhouses

I am thinking about MSN ways to extend my food growing in a limited space. I am looking at a couple of options bought cold frame, cheap plastic greenhouse or making a small greenhouse out of plastic bottles. Which would you recommend has anyone made a bottle greenhouse?

Best answers:

  • The problem with any small greenhouse is that during periods of hot weather they tend to overheat and run with condensation. I have seen a greenhouse made from plastic bottles which looked like a good idea although it appeared to need hundreds of plastic bottles to complete.
  • Don't have the space for a perm structure. Are there any small greenhouses that you would recommend?
  • I found that a cold frame made with bricks and old windows has worked for me. My plastic green house kept blowing over when it was windy. I have now got a small Perspex greenhouse with a metal frame that has been placed on a base made of concrete edging and the greenhouse frame screwed into it.
  • I might get a culti cave it gets good reviews.
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