07 Mar 2019

A question about : Menstrual Money Saving

I was not at all sure where to post this, but a board where men least click is probably the best place.

Four months ago I discovered menstrual cups. They are rounded cone-shaped cups made of silicone rubber. They sit in the vagina and capture menstrual elimination.

(edit: ) They are a rather new alternative to tampons and/or panty liners.

They are touted to give up to twelve hours protection. I never use them for more than five hours before washing under cold water, cleansing with a surgical spirit wipe, and giving another rinse under the tap. (The surgical spirit wipe is not advised as necessary between insertions.)

They are easy to store - in a small cloth bag - between bleeds. And because I am a hygiene freak, I clean my MC's in boiling water before using again.

Silicone is naturally resistant to bacteria, so I feel safe in using this form of menstrual protection, especially with my own precautions.

I have read many of the papers published for and against MC's, and it seems, to me, that they are a safe and money saving form of protection during menstruation.

Four months in, and, even given the price of the MC, I am already saving money against using tampons and panty liners.

Just wanted to share this money saving idea. I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea (I swear that is not a pun!) but thought it worth mentioning.

Best answers:

  • I had a Mooncup, really loved it and just wanted to add to your rave about them! So easy to use and clean, great for out and about (if it's already in place then you don't need to remember to bring tampons or anything else when you go out), and I found it much more comfortable than tampons. Actually, I realised how much I hated tampons after getting the mooncup! Never mind the possible health risks of tampon use. I have accidentally left the mooncup in for more than 12 hours but never had a problem or even a leak.
    Only problem really was that I managed to misplace it. No idea where it's gone! I'd never go back to disposables though, and have been using homemade cloth pads instead. I had to borrow a paper pad from a friend once and it felt quite horrible, like wearing a disposable nappy! When my periods eventually return after this pregnancy and breastfeeding, I'll be getting a new Mooncup.
  • I have a mooncup which i just love and i also have some cloth sanitary pads that are ahhhmazing- i bought them online and they are just as if not more absorbant than disposables and dont give me horrid irritation, i just chuck them in w-machine on 60 with my cloth nappies- i used cloth post partum pads after wee girl was born and they were great!
    I am looking at getting a diva cup when my aunty-flo returns as i accidently flushed my mooncup down the loo- i had had it for about 5 years tho so certainly worth the money- another thing you can use are sponges that work like a tampon- i think they are called 'jam' sponges.
    anyway i am very pro re- usable anything, if it saves cash and the environment then go for it!!!!
  • I do have a mooncup, which worked really well for me. However, for the last 6 years I've been on the progesterone-only pill which has virtually eliminated my periods and so my cup is now languishing in the bathroom cupboard.
  • Another vote for Mooncup, although I have to use a pad for back-up. Tampons are useless for me.
    Mooncup is very good when you need to change for a short time, e.g get home from work & need to change, but going out again in an hour or so & need to change before that - no wasted half-used disposable protection.
    Heaven forbid you need to measure your total flow per month, mooncup is good for that - if you need to prove to a doctor that your flow is too heavy to be manageable.
    I'll still be glad when periods are over though - mine are definitely a curse.
  • Just to weigh in on the other side I got a moon cup as I really liked the idea but never managed to get it to work well for me - I gave it what I felt was a determined try as I wanted to like it, but could always feel it and getting it in and out was a faff.
  • Not exactly a new thing. Ive been using one for 14yrs now and they had been around a fair few years, before i swapped over
    As with all things, brands do vary. If you find you dont get on with one style, try another.
    I have mooncup and femme cup. For me, mooncup gives a better seal, so no leaks. But femme cup is easier to remove, as its softer and easier to grab (tmi?)
    They now come in fancy colours too!
  • Get pregnant. I'm about to pop and haven't needed anything for months. Admittedly, there are other associated expenses...
  • Another vote for the femme cup. I've been using mine about 4 years and just this month have misplaced it, one month in and I can guarantee it will be replaced, I find it some much cleaner and easier and much less harsh on your lady bits!! Never had a problem with leakage etc.
  • i've been using cloth pads which are fab too!
  • I bought a Diva Cup about 18 months ago.
    Still haven't got up the nerve to use it. I was fine until I read that sometimes you can create a vacuum when you try to remove it and that thought comes to mind every time I look at it.
    I keep going to pick it up ... then I think, maybe I'll try it at a less messy time. At a time when possibly creating a vacuum is less of a concern.
    Of course, there's never any incentive to try it at any other time, so I haven't.
    I expect the rubber will just perish away eventually, in its pretty little bag but I will never know because I'll never open the bag.
    It came with a little brooch. Not sure if it's to be worn as a sign of solidarity with other Diva Cuppers or as an indicator of to whom I can turn if I have a Diva Cup emergency.
    I haven't spotted it on anyone else yet so there's maybe not much support round my way if I have a situation.
  • Hi,
    I tried a mooncup for several months around 5-6 years ago, i just couldn't get on with it. it was difficult to to put in and take out and it leaked loads of times. I found it terribly uncomfortable too.
    Strangely i wasn't getting on with tampons either.
    Last year i had gyne surgery to repair my pelvic floor as i had a double prolapse. That was probably the cause of all my problems with mooncup and tampons. I am successfully using tampons now.
  • I'm a big fan of my Femme Cup, especially since I got it half price when they had an offer on
    I also regularly use cloth pads. Pink Daisy ones are my favourite as they're thin but absorbent and quite similar in size to disposables but without the nasty chemicals and sweaty feel! I've been using mine for a few years now with no sign of wear and tear on them so I'm confident they'll last a long time.
  • I only use my mooncup when at home for prolonged periods. They are horrid to use in public loos and at work when there is no sink in the toilet cubicle with you.
    Plus I too have to use a pad as back up.
    They're okay, but no way could they be my sole method.
  • i've been using a femme cup for about 3 years now, much better than anything else for me. they usually do them half price on 'world women's day' (or something similar), i think it's the 8th March, keep an eye on here.
  • I use cloth sanitary pads. Also use cloth nappies so just wash them together.
  • I've used a Mooncup (not needed anything else) for 10 years. I started off with the bigger size (recommended for over 30s and mothers) and swiftly changed to the smaller one!
    (I am still tittering about "menstrual elimination"!)
  • I use supermarket own tampons they are a lot cheaper than the brand names, moon cups etc are not for me.
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