10 Jul 2015

A question about : Medical Record Disclosure

Good afternoon,

I have been given a health questionnaire to complete prior to commencing new employment, which is supplied by a third party.

There are several agreements on the back of the questionnaire regarding consent to discuss the information given with either the new employer or your GP.

I have no problem with my employer seeing it should they need to, however I specifically do not want them to approach my doctor. The reason for such is that I have been disputing a diagnosis that is inaccurate, unfair and false. It has been ongoing for a long time now and I am going through the formal complaints process, though the diagnosis is yet to be corrected and/or removed.

Is it likely to put me in bad standing if I do not consent to them accessing my medical records? It will be a 'regular' office job; not one that will operate machinery or would be regarded as being risky.

Best answers:

  • Does the disputed diagnosis affect you ability to perform your new job?
  • https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/28/contents
    Under the access to medical reports act you have the LEGAL right to see any medical reports your GP sends to your employer before it goes to them, your GP MUST wait 21 days before sending the report to give you time to read through and agree, there are certain circumstances where you will not get all your info, if say it involves a third party or it is felt that you will come to 'harm' if you see the records.
    You can ask your GP to withhold some info but he is bound to tell your employer that certain info has been withheld and the employer may make their own assumptions - see link for more details
    You should be made aware of the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 before you sign anything giving your employer or OH company access to your records
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