21 Feb 2016

A question about : Making the future happen

Hello friends, lurkers and any other general MFW crazies - welcome to my new diary!

My first diary was museumworker's quest to consign mortgage to history Some background for the newbies - we purchased our house in Oct 2008 for Ј237,000, with a mortgage of Ј198k. I became a MFW with a mortgage of Ј194,000 at the end of 2009. In 2010 we saved an epic Ј19K title=EEK!title=Thanks, which we used to add two double bedrooms and an ensuite to the house. Having brought our LTV to just under the magic 65% we remortgaged for a much better deal in March 2011, and since then have OPed Ј12K title=Jumping! Anyway, end of year summary is at the end of the last diary if you want a quick overview.

But now - the future! title=EEK!title=EEK!title=Jumpingtitle=Jumping 2012 is going to be a year of massive change in the mw household as I am expecting a mini-mw - due date 22 June 2012! All of us are very excited, if a little nervous about what changes might happen. The impact on our finances will clearly be significant, so our MF journey may take longer than I originally hoped. BUT we are committed to reducing our mortgage as fast (and as sustainably) as we can. Or, in the words of one unattributed quote: 'I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future'. With such changes afoot, I thought it a good time to start a new diary.

Some stuff about us - I am 32, and work in the museum sector (incase you hadn't guessed!). OH also works full time, and luckily is better paid than me title=ROTFL, and we have a DD aged 9 from a previous relationship of mine. We are very fortunate to have big families and a fantastic large circle of friends, so enjoying them is also one of our priorities.

Anyway, welcome, and hope you enjoy watching what unfolds!

Best answers:

  • woop! shiny new diary
    congrats on all your achievements in 2011 and here's to a fantastic 2012!
  • Well done on the OPs. I look forward to reading the next stage of your journey. Happy New Year
  • Yay shiny new diary, good luck for 2012
  • Good luck for 2012 MW x
  • all the best for 2012 MW. Looking forward to following your diary
  • I second all the above, I'm sure you will be as inspiring as always!
  • Aims:
    * have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
    Am 15 +4 and still feeling rubbish. Worst bit is wind - burp a lot and feel very sick! Above everything, I need to enjoy this pregnancy and look after myself as much as I can. Crucial to this will be exercise, relaxation, and saying no to things!
    * spend quality time with DD and OH
    so looking forward to having more time for DD when on mat leave! Want to make sure we have some good times together before then, all 3 of us - family bike rides, day trips out, swimming together, playing board games, sleepover for DD and a weekend away for me and OH on our own in the spring.
    * get the house organised
    We still have a bit of decorating left to do from the loft work, and possessions to whittle down. I bought myself the how to get organised in a year book by regina leeds, and am starting to work on that. Apparently if you do something for 21 consecutive days it becomes a habit, so will look at a habit of the month.
    * save Ј10K in emergency fund by Sep 2012
    Not Ј10K from scratch! Already saving into FD 8% savings, which will reach Ј3600 in Sep, and have round about Ј4.5K in smile savings. we tend to dip into these for annual/lg purchases so likely to fluctuate. We need a new fridge freezer and OH is getting a new camera, so we have at least Ј1K of costs coming up in the next couple of months.
    * OP mortgage
    Ј10K target. Standard OP of Ј207.01, which we promised ourselves we would always pay so used to paying a higher % rate. Lodger - Ј400, but she could move out with our imminent arrival, so only counting first 4 months. Ј500 from salaries. Hoping will be able to bring in more from amazon/ebay sales and other money making ventures too, but this will not be part of the target as I don't want to be stressed (see point 1 and 2 about family and pregnancy!)
    * achieve my AMA
    Been working on this for 2 years - it is a museum professional development scheme. Have panel date in May, but taken my eye off the ball the last few months so need to focus on getting up to speed and knocking this one on the head.
    Right - on that note will break it up into January targets!
  • Aims:
    * have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
    Jan target: exercise 2 x a week (i’d like 3, but I’ve been doing none so 2 is an improvement!)
    * spend quality time with DD and OH
    Jan target: Ask DD what she would like to do one weekend, and do it.
    * get the house organised
    Jan target: clear clean dishes off the draining board for 21 days in a row
    Jan target: write list of jobs round the house for OH to do on leave
    * OP mortgage
    Jan target: put claim in to RM for missing parcels
    * achieve my AMA
    Jan aim: organise meeting with mentor
    Jan aim: undertake one ama activity from plan
    Wish me luck!
  • Had lovely day with OH yesterday - went to see the Grayson Perry exhibition at the British Museum together, it was fantastic! I got in free with museum card, so just paid for OH, some teas and shared an ice-cream later on a walk round Covent Garden - seasonal, I know! Ј17.90 spent on a lovely day, had lots of time to just chat. OH made a packed lunch to save on food .
    Picked up DD who had lovely time at her dad's, and also the buggy. It is quite large, but a very good outdoor buggy. OH has been offered a second hand bugaboo with loads of accessories for Ј150, so we may buy this as we can sell it on for at least that once we've finished. We then have one for walks in the woods/great outdoors, and a smaller about town one.
    I have completed 2 days of keeping the draining board clear, am very proud . Did 40 minute pregnancy exercise DVD on Sunday, as well as a few hours on my feet/ambling around yesterday. And started tackling my wardrobe - half of all clothes packed away now til get back in shape, have another half to go and then will have just maternity clothes to hand. Gave away 3 items, another 8 in charity bag, old tights and out of shape vests x 12 thrown out, and got rid of load of gunk/receipts from old handbag.
    DD woke me up last night for a glass of water, and I couldn't get back to sleep for over 2 hours so absolutely exhausted today. Due to inset day I hadn't diarised, had to take her into the office this morning, and now need to do a few hours work at home. Am soo tired it is unbelievable.
  • out of interest MW, what exactly does your job entail? are you a curator? Any recommendations for good museums to visit?
  • hi mw...caught up with your diary after ages and am amazed with your energy during pregnancy. I was completely flat on my back with morning sickness from about 8-13 weeks - signed off sick from work for over a month! Even after the sickness gradually faded I couldn't have done a 10th of what you've been doing so well done you - you continue to awe and amaze me.
    The very best of luck with your resolutions for this year. I hope you achieve them all.
  • bugaboo's are great i'd recommend one. I had one with DS and loved it, got back what I paid 2nd had after he didnt need it too.
  • pavlov's dog - in essence, yes. In fact, how do you say 'curator' in welsh? Then I can complete the sentence, 'Dw i'n gweithio fel...'. Which part of the country would you like museum recommendations for ?
    mouche - aw thanks , especially as I don't feel very productive at the minute. I do have to keep reminding myself how fortunate I am my pregnancy is relatively straightforward. I am feeling absolutely wrung out and have been for 3 months now, but at least I've not been hospitalised, or off work much like others I know. I had hoped for a resurgence in energy as will be 16 weeks tomorrow - and am off to Paris to meet a friend! Sadly still feel pants, but hopefully we'll still have a great time anyway.
    brodiebobs - thanks for the recommendation, I think it makes sense to get it - it'll be practical and we definitely won't lose any money on it. OH has agreed the purchase now.
    Had quick clear up when got home of bathroom medicine cabinet - 5 types of old vitamins binned and 1 meds set aside to take back to pharmacy. And cleared draining board again last night - only 18 days left! Tonight I plan to pack and watch one born every minute (will try not to freak myself out!). Did I mention I'm off to Paris tomorrow
  • ceidwad was the first word that came to mind, but looking in my all-singing-all-dancing dictionary it seem you can use curadur too.
    as for museum locations, we're located just outside cardiff but we get about within the UK.
  • Just posted on your other diary - is this the right one now?
    The Grayson Perry exhibition sounds good. I do miss living in London for the access to galleries and museums. DH is a London boy and although we live surrounded by greenery in the North, he wants to retire back home so we can have access to that again. (Better get the mortgage paid off so we can afford more than a shoebox down there!)
  • Oooh - and have a fab time in Pareee!! x
  • Yipee to a new diary, I will be following with interest - you sound very motivated!!
    Have a great time in Paris x
  • MW - After reading your diary I found your enthusiasm infectious! I hope you don't mind, but I have copied your 2012 aims as they were really similar to me and I loved the way you had broken it down into task for Jan. I hope this is ok xx and Thanks xx
  • Have a great time in Paris. I bought a 2nd had bugaboo this time for Ј150. I'm pretty confident I can make my money back and more when we sell it. BTW, I absolutely love it!
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