08 Oct 2015

A question about : MA in social work funding? So confused?


So I'm considering doing a Masters in Social Work. I'm 31, so wouldn't be entitled to the new loans available. My husband earns 31k a year.

I'm currently working as a waitress 20 hours a week and an Lsa in a school 10 hours a week. We have 2 young children.

If I were to do this course I would need funding of some description as we couldn't afford to pay the mortgage etc without it. We live just outside of London so his wage doesn't get us far especially after pension, student loan and his train fare to work come out every month.

My question is:

Aside from the Nhs bursary is there any other funding, grants, loans I can apply for to get us through these 2 years. I don't want to be a waitress forever 😥

I hope someone has some answers for me 😚

Best answers:

  • You say you are a LSA if that is for a local authority that authority may have opportunities that can help. Most authorities have a social work shortage so will sometimes have programmes to try staff up for a commitment to work for them for a length of time after qualification.
  • If this post is correct then that may be a solution to your funding.
  • I have a pretty useless 2:1 in Drama.
    I don't think I qualify for the grant bursary thing because my husband earns too much... 😥
    What sort of things to local authorities offer?
  • Did you do this? Do you know if you'd be entitled to any of the maintenance grants from the student loans company?
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