16 Mar 2019

A question about : Lose 100 lbs in 2015

I am starting the year recovering from pleurisy and nursing a bad knee. And both of these conditions are exacerbated by my need to lose 100lbs, there it is 100lbs seven stone how have I got in this mess? my weight has crept up year on year for the last 30 years and now I need to tackle it before I retire next year as I have lots to do and plans to achieve.

It is the first time my weight has severely effected what I can do and it is my health light bulb moment, just like the ones so many people here have about money.

My first target is 40 lbs by the end of May which would be 2lbs a week. I am doing Weight Watchers on line which I know works for me if I can keep it up. This diary is my way of keeping on track. Wish me luck.

Best answers:

  • Good luck. You can do it, just have to find the right way for you. I know it's a cliche but I think it really is true that you need to think of it as a change of lifestyle not a diet.
  • Good luck x
  • All the best. I started weight watchers in Nov and lost 1 stone before Xmas but put quite a bit back on. I also have a lot to lose so hopefully your diary will motivate me as well as track your progress. Here's to success...
  • Good luck Tootallulah...Stay focused!!
    Am also doing Weight Watchers (started last week but going to a group with a friend) probably the heaviest I've ever been and my health is starting to suffer now I'm in my 50s. Used to be able to get away with being large as I was always fairly healthy and active, but I feel old, sluggish and in constant pain with knees and ankles.
    I'm enjoying it so far as there's nothing you can't have as long as you count it in. Am religiously point tracking to give me a good idea of portion size, best bang for your buck etc. and looking forward to cooking some new meals.
  • Good luck! I managed to lose 60lbs in eight months last year. Been maintaining since December. I reckon this is the hardest bit. Its easy to become complacent once you've achieved target.
  • Good luck and well done for breaking it down into smaller targets - I always found it made things seem a lot less scary if I broke it down into what I wanted to achieve each month rather than looking at the total.
    I started WW again last week as well. A couple of years ago I lost about 5 and a half stone of the 7 which I needed to lose. I kind of lost motivation a bit after that and had been doing okay at maintaining it but put over a stone back on recently. I decided I'd best tackle it now, as it would be too easy for another stone to creep on and make starting an even more daunting prospect, and am going to try to shift the final stone and a half as well as getting back to where I was. 4lb down, 34 to go!!
  • Very Good Luck! Don't worry if you don't loose 2lb every week. In the past, I've given up after my first reverse, but not I'm trying to stick with it.
  • Good luck! As has been said if you have a bad minute - let that minute go and start fresh the next minute.
    Never write off a whole day/week/month.
  • Thank you all for your encouragement which is really appreciated. Day one went ok but day 2 has been easier as I have been at work and I am in an office with no access to a cafe etc so I have eaten my carefully put together lunch and snacks. I have kept one treat a skinny cappuccino from Costa but tomorrow I will take my own coffee as I am rueing how many points just to have the coffee hit and some warmth on the journey. No cheating yet.....Also ate three pieces of fruit and drank a litre of water.
  • Good luck!
    My mother lost 105 lbs last year.
    As a family we lost over 250 lbs in total, all through slimming world.
  • I've started WW as well today though I'm going to try and go it alone in the sense I've got the points calculator already (from a previous weight losing exercise) so will see how it goes.
    I'm doing the London to Brighton challenge in May so I know that any weight I can lose before then will be a bonus but I guess I would want to lose weight anyone as I'm feel fat now even though I've always been a big girl lol!
    Did you see that diet programme on BBC 2 tonight? Thought it was very interesting and am looking forward to the next two programmes on tuesday and wednesday nights
  • No I didn't see the programme I will look on IPlayer, that combined weight loss very inspiring ITYC.
    Day 2 was good, home made soup for lunch was really good and I must say that Monday to Wednesday being isolated from food and shops is helpful. My first goal is to have lost 14lbs by half term which is the 16th February. I am staying with friends for a few days then and I want to have got somewhere before we meet up. No cheating yet.
  • Good luck You can do it! Don't go harsh on yourself if it slows down! I did lose reasonable amount of weight couple of years ago and maintained it - it is difficult but it will be great once done!
  • My thinking is go for the percentages, when you have 100lbs to go why not. Today has been a good day and all of my food has been delicious, early days and the much larger amount of veg and fruit is enjoyable. I am keeping away from carbs as they are my downfall, especially bread, rice and potatoes. Rather like a famous alcohol regime I am taking each day as "I am eating healthily today". No Cheating yet. 38 points. I have a chest xray tomorrow to see if the pleurisy has cleared, I must remember how much my weight added to that particular nightmare.
  • I watched that diet programme last night as my Dad mentioned it and I also did the online test to find out which category you fall into.
    Now, I would say I was an emotional eater - because I tend to reward myself with food and it's all tied up with my childhood and having the sort of perfect family life I've always imagined.
    The test said that I was more of a constant craver though. I wouldn't say I don't know when I've had enough to eat and just carry on, because I hate feeling stuffed and will try not to ever get to that stage. I do think about food a lot though and watch cookery programmes.
    Has anyone else done the test?
  • No I haven't but as soon as I have posted this I will. Good day today, still in the honeymoon period. No cheating yet 37 points. I need to work out a strategy for the week-end as that will be my problem, I am off to find out if I am a boredom eater!
  • Nipping back in I am a Constant Craver.
  • I thought I have the traits of all 3 and the test showed that too with a slight bias towards emotional eating. Watching programmes about weight makes me want to eat more!
  • First weigh in tonight and I've lost 6lbs - pretty pleased with that!
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