23 Sep 2016

A question about : Lonely cat


Just looking for some advice really.

We have a Male (neutered) cat and he is about 7 years old. We have had him since he was 6 months.

In March we moved in with my parents (cat and all) while we in between selling and buying a property. We lived with them for 6 months. They are pretty much retired now, so he had the pleasure of their company through most of the day.

In October we moved into our new home and since then he has been nightmare!!! Constant meowing, running around our feet and nearly tripping us up, eating like he has never seen food before.
Myself and OH work full time so I can only think its down to him being lonely!
What can we do to stop the loneliness?

We tried getting another cat when we lived in our flat and he hated it! So not sure what else to do???

Help, we love his dearly and can't stand to think he is lonely title=Frown

Best answers:

  • Have you considered Hyperthyroidism? Is he losing weight, drinking a lot? A cat we had started making a lot of noise, constantly begging for food and we eventually took her to the vet to be diagnosed with this.. it can be easily treated.. if not this I really can't suggest anything else.. I hope he improves .
  • No he isn't losing weight and he never drinks anything!
    We will look to take him to the vets, he his due his jabs anyway so will mention it to them.
    Just wondering if there is anything else we could/should do?
    Especially as the meowing is getting out of control and can go on at all hours!
  • Is he a house cat?
    Has anything else changed since you moved?
    how about getting him an interactive toy or two?
    also, do you leave the radio or TV on when you are out? I always find this helps
  • He is not a house cat and has free access to a cat flap, which he uses.
    He has become obsessed with watching out our front bedroom window....we don't let him out the front door due to the road but he can get round there from the back. But he will constantly go and back fourth to our bedroom window to look out....he never did this in our previous flat.
    No, we have never left anything on for him as he has never had this problem before.
    The only time he stops meowing is when we sit down for the evening. When we are getting ready for work or to go out he meows non stop - to the point of howling!
    No other changes that I can think of.
  • try leaving a radio playing. having a bit of noise in the house tricks my cat into thinking there is someone in.
    also, reward him when he is being quiet and ignore him when he is noisy.
    try an interactive feeder too. start small with a kong, like
    i dont know about the obsession with the window though. my first thought was it could be a territorial thing, but i don't have much experience of that. others on here will though
  • Give him back to granny and granddad for a week and see what happens.
  • Are there any other cats hanging around the front of the house? Ours went through a rather trying phase last summer (peeing in my shoes lol) when Trouble Cat from over the road took to sitting just outside our front door.
  • We see the odd cat in the garden, but to be honest since we are out all day and only see the house in the darkness during the week, we really wouldn't know!
    I don't think anything is coming in, at least I have never seen or heard anything to suggest this.
    I did find a claw in his head the other day, but that is the first sign of fighting we have seen since we moved. He is quite a big cat so think he is more likely to be the bully!
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