15 Jun 2015

A question about : Living overseas

I have an English bank account into which I have a widows paid into. The thing is we cannot get better deals on cedit cards - not on local council lists in England. And because we are not residents where we live we cannot get them here either. Anyone got any ideas or are we stuck with the situation.title=Question

Best answers:

  • If you are not resident in the UK and are not "resident where you live", then I think it will be difficult. Lenders want to know that they can enforce the debt and find that somebody has disappeared.
    Bear in mind it's not just a credit rating thing. At least in the UK, it is usually a condition of the the application that you are UK resident.
    Perhaps if you give more specifics, somebody can give some further advice.
  • Give us all a clue as to which country you are in and how many years since you left the UK Depends where you are, I am UK resident but after producing evidence such as passport I was able to open a bank account in France via Britline, a subsidiary of Credit Agricole. I could have a credit card but you have to pay about 70€ for a credit card! Believe Barclays also do deals. Easy to say now but you should have sorted this before you left the UK when it would have been so much easier.
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