26 Jul 2016

A question about : Littlewoods Taking Liberties

I have contacted Littlewoods because they are charging Ј51 for a years worth of Playstation + that would cost Ј39.99 anywhere else. What are the chances of me getting them to change their pricing policy. It's not convenience it's daylight robbery

Best answers:

  • Retailers are free to set whatever price they choose for items. Just buy it elsewhere.
  • I'd say your chances are between zero and nil.
    Littlewoods are more expensive than other retailers within the same group. Compare the prices at Littlewoods and Very and you'll almost always find Very cheaper.
    The reason is pretty straightforward. Littlewoods sells most of its goods on a credit agreement based on a set weekly amount. They're able to advertise and offer "interest free" credit periods by inflating the cost of the goods.
    Most people who buy things through Littlewoods will not pay the full price upfront, they'll instead take the weekly payment plans.
  • No one is taking liberties here, you should have looked elsewhere to find it cheaper, your own fault. Retailers can set whatever price they like and if people pay that price when its cheaper elsewhere then retailers are quids in.
  • This is a joke, right?
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