05 Apr 2016

A question about : Life insurance

can anyone tell me if you have to die within a certain time frame (say one year) from diagnosis of a terminal illness to qualify for a life insurance pay out? (I can't find it in small print). Ty

Best answers:

  • it depends on the provider.
    Vitality Life will pay on diagnosis of a terminal illness regardless for how long you live for afterwards.
  • Does a terminal illness benefit claim with VL have to be outside the last twelve months of the policy expiry date?
    Had a look for the policy details earlier, but couldn't find it easily...
    Still, got to love those cinema tickets...
    I've hit spam for the other four posts blatantly spamming VL.
  • no the cinema tickets deal remains.
    You now need to gain 9 vitality points per week to get the cinema tickets on the plan.
    However if you are gold or platinum status then you get the tickets automatically every week.
  • Yes totally agree - Been told by several advisers that the VL plan has too many covers to explain to clients and is being sold with the additional benefits rather than the plan itself
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