10 Dec 2016

A question about : Legal responsibility.....

My stepson works for a car dealership selling prestige cars. He frequently brings a car home and parks it on our drive. What is the situation if that car is damaged whilst on our property? Are we legally liable for cost of repairs?

Best answers:

  • Is he insured to bring them home? if so then the insurance is liable, if he isnt then he really shouldnt be driving them!
  • Unusual for a motortrade policy to cover an employee to drive a car for private use unless they're a fairly senior employee.
    You have no liability unless it's something you directly cause eg you hit it with your own car or scratch it as you walk past etc
  • It is very common for car sales drones to get use of a car, any car, for transport. Few of them bother to read what they might be liable for though if they are found responsible for damage or collision.
    What's the issue though OP, fallen out with him and want to thrash his car with a branch?
  • Not only common, but it is part of the remuneration package for feeble wage plus commission jobs and applies virtually industry wide. Of course they are legally covered, the issue is the vast majority of the policies have crazy excesses (Ј5k is pretty universal) and seems like a good idea at the time.
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