07 May 2016

A question about : Landlady illegaly witholding deposit

Hi. I need help please urgently!! My old landlady has been withholding the deposit from our old house which we moved out of in July, and despite repeated requests has not given it back. Granted, we did destroy it a bit but what student doesnt. Anway, she took off damages and said she was going to give us 100 pounds back each, which she hasnt done now because one of our former housemates didnt pay for 8 weeks. basically she said that because he did not pay she is taking it away from us. i am pretty sure that is illegal??

also, she did not register us with the tenancy deposit scheme which is law. i am on money claim to make a claim against her, am i able to claim the 100 pounds she offered to us or the full amount that i paid in the beginning despite her taking money away for damages? the damages included things such as a kettle and to clean the garden, even though the builders were there anyway already...

Regards, Doron

Best answers:

  • Hi Doron,
    Do you have any proof/evidince of paying her an original deposit?
    Not to drift away from the topic, but I think "Granted, we did destroy it a bit but what student doesnt." is an awful attitude to have - I don't know of any students that have destroyed properties throughout their studies.
    I can understand her reasons for refusing to pay back any deposit if she wasn't getting paid.
    Regards, Chib.
  • i missed no rent to her, and the contract was not joint liability. however i do not have an inventory i should have made one
  • if between you you destroyed her place and didnt pay the rent, then while she might be wrong about the deposit side of things, two wrongs dont make a right, I would NOT expect students to wreck a place any more than I would expect it of 35 yr old professionals.
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