14 Jan 2016

A question about : kensighton mortgages

my payment to kensighton mortgages should be Ј289 but I pay Ј401 my originally loan was for 30,000 and got into diffuicult I am in arrears of 12 grand that's why I pay this amount to bring it down it doesn't I am only paying about Ј11 off the arrears as they put interest on my loan and interest on my arrears does any one know if I can claim anything back I have asked the financial ombudsman but they also told me I couldn't claim the ppi on it. yet the ppi company have contacted me and sed I can claim my ppi back on it after being told no off financial ombudsman. hope you understand me I am now owing 42 grand on it including arrears took out in 2005 for 25 years I am 52 in depression and ill health just wondering please

Best answers:

  • didn't borrow more was just the one time I saw on telly about a firm charging more interest and was just asking if I can sort interest to be stopped as I get interest on loan and interest on arrear noticed you didn't understand that yet you jumped at my ppi no thank you
  • I seem to keep to my Ј400 a month my orginal payment is Ј289 but like I said fees slapped on my arrears aren't coming down much Ј11 off them a month cos Kensington put Ј89 interest on all interest is on my loan and on my interested my question is are they allowed to put interest on both my arrears and my loan why cant I get this stopped its never coming down and im not missing it either this has made me have ill health I have felt suicidal I am under phycoligist too . thank sfor all replys
    Oh Dear
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