03 Sep 2016

A question about : Keep getting spam texts after buying a ticket online and giving number

For the record I am using a giff gaff pay as you go sim on an old old phone about 10 years old now so no iphone malarky.

Im kind of annoyed with myself because I never usually give out my number to anything and this one time I did I am paying for it.

The company is not a fly by night company either, they are the main club promotion company in my city.

I only did it because they said on the paying page it was compulsory and I thought that I may not be able to get in if I didnt. They certainly didnt give any information that they would send me messages so the number was garnered under false pretense. To add insult to injury the night was terrible title=Big

So ever since then I keep getting messages every couple of weeks from this same company. It is a girls name and adding kisses and such manipulative style marketing with offers for upcoming nights.

I sent replies twice back by text asking them to remove my number from their list to no avail.

Hadnt got one this year but got my first tonight.

This time it wasnt even a number but a name as if it were stored in my phone so I dont know how they are doing it. Its a text and the name comes up as 'amy fling' and when I try and cut the number it just says 'not found'.

So I dont know what tomfoolery they are doing to manage to make the phone give a name without bieng stored in the phone.

What should i do now?

I am considering just getting a new number :P since sadly my mum and dad are the only people who ring me title=Frown I barely ever use it.

Best answers:

  • What phone? Can you not just blacklist the number?
  • its not a big company so you wouldnt have heard of them, so I dont see the point in that.
    I can't block the number from my phone. as i said its ten years old so doesnt have common options that phones have these days.
  • next time you get one of the texts forward this to 7726
    this forwards the text to the networks spam team, they will reply to the report asking for the number or name of the originator
  • Yes but as it says IF im given the opportunity to opt out whcih im not.
    I dont know why you guys assume Im so thick that I wouldnt be able to read an opt out saying STOP within the text. As I said in the OP there is no option to opt out in the texts.
    Anyhow Ive sent an email to support asking them to remove me from their list so we'll see what they say.
  • Some companies will even ignore STOP replies. I have had this myself. If i order anything online or in magazines i always make sure i opt out of anything. I never order anything over the phone.
  • further to my last comment, I should add, that even if your number is registered with BT for none-unsolicited calls, apparently the law states, that as soon as you give your number out (to anybody - online, in an advert to sell that sofa or to the pushy sales assistant) you are saying that you are happy to accept calls from ANYBODY on that number...
  • 3 post by RussellWhiting all pushing the same business website. i would say clearly advertising
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