10 Jul 2019

A question about : Just found out info off severn trent


Hello everyone. Can anyone help.

I had severntrent on my door yesterday as there is a problem in nearby river, some dishwasher water!!!

Happily it is not me but, I didn't know my RAIN water goes to river. It comes down pipes into a gulley off to a drain in the back field then the river...

But I heard somewhere you don't pay if your water goes to the river?
Is this correct?

I have been paying over Ј160 per year for RAIN water on my bill...

Is there anything I can do??


Best answers:

  • Yes - go onto the ST website and fill in the form requesting exemption from Surface Water Drainage charges which you'll get if ALL your surface water goes straight to a soakaway and not into any of the sewers (that includes run-off from your drive & pathways as well as your gutters & downpipes)
  • You don't pay the Surface Water Drainage(SWD) element of charges if none of your surface water from gutters, gardens etc enters the sewerage system.
    However you have to claim relief from this charge yourself.
    I am puzzled why you pay Ј160 a year for 'rainwater'.
    These are the charges for 2014/15 for Severn Trent
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