25 May 2018

A question about : Jobseekers first interview

Hi guys

Could anyone please tell me what paperwork is required for the first interview for claiming jobseekers allowance?

The person I spoke to who when I made the claim had such a soft voice I couldn't make out all the information she required. I think passport and P45 were among some of the docs. Do I need anything else?

And what would usually happen during the first interview?

Many thanks!

Best answers:

  • Your CV might be useful if you have one, so you can show your qualifications and what work you've done previously. I know I took lots of stuff that was never looked at, but it's mainly about drawing up your Job Seekers Agreement, so maybe have a look on here and here which are a bit scaremongering, but should give some idea of the motivation behind the questions you'll be asked. I found them useful in understanding bits which were not made clear to me by JC staff - like if they give you a job advert then you must apply or risk sanctions etc.
  • Thanks MrsBartolozzi, that was very helpful!
    I'm contemplating at the moment whether I should even go for this interview as I've got a conditional job offer but is currently undergoing employment checks.
    Do they ask whether you want to take perm or temporary jobs?
  • I can't remember exactly what's required. might be an idea to take a couple of other proofs of address such as a bank statement or utility bill. They might want proof of bank to pay your JSA into.
    As for what happens, they'll go through all the information you gave on your claim, and find out what sorts of work you're looking for, and qualifications etc. this, along with an agreed plan of action will form the basis of your JobSeekers Agreement. If you don't buy daily newspapers for example, they'll expect you to look on jobsites on the internet more frequently.
    It depends on your advisor exactly how it will go. Unfortunately my experience has been that they automatically assume you're a work-shy lazy scrounger until you offer advice to the contrary. So don't take offence if they patronise you. However, many of the advisors you will see were taken on under fixed-term contracts when the recession started to hit (Gordon's answer to keeping the unemployed figures down: take on shedloads more public sector workers, despite there being no money to pay for it...) , so fortunately there are some who understand what it's like to perhaps spend 30 or more hours drafting and re-drafting answers to a competency-based application form, or have first hand experience of being on the other side of the desk for a number of months.
  • They will ask you about whether you would accept temporary work, but it's more like "is looking for permanent work, but would consider temporary work of at least x duration". So you can specify a month/2 months minimum temp work etc.
    Personally, I'd go to the meeting. It will take an hour max and while you might feel a bit drained and patronised by the end of it it's a necessity towards getting NI and JSA paid. My fingers are crossed for you re job, but it's not a given and you will still need to eat between now and the start date. If you don't go, but subsequently need to claim JSA in the very near future things could be made difficult because of the missed meeting. (they have long memories I've been told).
  • I had to take proof of my identity (passport), proof of my mortgage and ground rent costs, proof of redundancy and my P45.
  • Thank you all for the replies above! I'm not so nervous now. And I realise that they will make me feel like I've been sitting on bum doing nothing but I've nothing to fear. I just came out of a job and I've never thought of claiming jobseekers if it wasn't because I'm struggling without income.
    Do I have to tell them that I have a job offer and that I have signed the contract etc? I'm just waiting for the ref checks however again subject to this, nothing is guaranteed.
  • I've got my first interview this week as well, at the end of the online form I filled in they listed the following to take with me which I saved so I wouldn't forget anything! When they phoned me to arrange the meeting on Saturday I asked if I should take along a list of the jobs i've applied for while i've been on 'gardening leave' They said 'You could do.' I thought it might have been useful for the interviewer....
    Anyway, here's the list I copied off. Hope it helps.
    Please bring the following to the interview along with your CV, if you have one:
    • Policy documents relating to any insurance policies covering the mortgage and/or loan(s) secured on your home
    • A copy of the mortgage agreement and any tenancy agreement or service charge agreement relating to your home
    • Two forms of identification for you, such as driving licence, passport, mortgage or rental agreement
    • For payments (other than wages) that you have received or expect to receive because a job ended in the last 12 months: proof of payment/entitlement and any papers that say what the payment is for
    • Your P45 or a form showing your tax district and tax reference number
  • First time I went they asked me for a list of everything you can imagine.
    2 forms of ID, proof of address, p45s from last 5 years, cv, rent agreement, proof of jobs applied for, student loan forms, bank statement to show savings, N.I card, address of last 5 places of work.
    You know what they looked at?
    My passport.
    Play it safe take anything and everything you can image they need, shove it i a folder. Then at least you have the magic folder of documents for future job interviews and any other crap the job centre might throw at you
  • You have no savings at all, end of.
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