03 Apr 2017

A question about : Ј1000 Wedding Glasgow

Hi all,

My partner and I had our wedding planned in our heads but we've come to the realisation that we just can't afford it. We have now set a limit of Ј1000. I'm struggling to find a venue in or around Glasgow where I can provide my own catering. If anyone can recommend anywhere or give us any tips on how to make our money go far we'd really appreciate it!


Best answers:

  • Hi and congratulations on your wedding. We've had a similar realisation about our September 2015 and are trying to do it all for under Ј1k. I'm feeling pretty confident about it, taking it as a challenge.
    I can't help specifically with Glasgow as I'm afraid I've never been, but we found a great village hall by us which we can hire from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon (the wedding's Saturday) for Ј275 and the best thing is it's medieval so it's BEAUTIFUL!
    What I've learned is that village halls are not great at having massive internet presence, I found ours by googling local ones and we went for a little morning drive around them all to have a look. Then you can google the name of the hall you like, most of them have a bookings co-ordinator (some are volunteers) and you can ask for a tour.
    Also found a helpful tripadvisor thread which may help, don't know how close these places are to you...
    there's plenty of ways to have the best wedding ever, we've found family and friends have offered us so much stuff. We learned not to have a set plan for the exact details in our minds, that way when someone offers to lend or buy something we are really grateful.
    I've found a lot of inspiration on Pinterest for making cheap but large decorations for th village hall too, so that's worth a look.
    Good luck, hope the day goes well!
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