01 Jan 2016

A question about : IVA completion cert. query

Hi all,

I had a look in old threads but couldn't find an answer to this:

My OH just received his completion certificate from Varden Nuttall. He paid his last IVA instalment in April 2014, and has been chasing for his completion cert. ever since - he'd already signed everything to do with PPI, and it had all been claimed and paid in years ago, in 2012, we think.

Anyway, completion certificate and final report arrived this week title=Thanks, but the date on the certificate is January 2015... is this correct? Or should it be April 2014? And does it actually matter - does it have any impact on anything dropping off his credit reports, for instance?

Thanks for any help you can offer title=Smile

Best answers:

  • As long as all the defaults on the credit file are dated no earlier than the start of the IVA it wont make too much difference.
  • Thanks
    We'll be checking everything out to make sure dates are correct now!
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