05 Dec 2017

A question about : It's a Panda!

Awwwwwwwwwww twin panda boys born in Atlanta Zoo six days ago....Congratulations to Lu Lu title=You


Best answers:

  • Awwww cute .
  • Aww, congratulations Lu Lu.
  • good grief - they full term? they have some growing to do! oh hang on - are Pandas like Kangaroos? give birth to foetuses? which then develop fully outside the pandamum? how on earth does she cope?
  • ew - those claws don't look cute! I bet it has teeth to match!
  • The mother
  • from that to this in a year? that's fast development. would need to be I suppose in the wild. colin, where do the babies live on the mum while they are er 'growing'?
  • oh she is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do we get this urge to stroke these huge wild animals? she would devour me wouldn't she?
  • no, silly me, she wouldn't eat me - they are vegans aren't they? but she is capable of killing humans though I would think.
  • fascinating! never thought much about Panda baby raising before - I just assumed that they would behave much like bears do. that's totally wrong. I wonder how that behaviour came about! raising the babies up a tree implies there were ground predators mum Panda worried about.
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