24 May 2015

A question about : It's aitch not haitch

Does it drive you up the wall when people 'literally' die laughing? Or how about those who give 110%? Check out Martin's top 10 list for word pedants' and let us know if you've got any to add.

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Best answers:

  • People who say "off of" as in "I got it off of the internet". Aaargh!
  • To itch used instead of to scratch.
    Scratch is what you do when something itches.
    Something that is itching is causing an itch. You don't itch an itch. You scratch it.
    Got it?
  • Honestly, to be honest, I'll be honest at the start of a statement - all that tells me is that the person speaking is a habitual liar and they feel the need to qualify the truth on this occasion.
  • Customers to shop staff 'can I get' no you cant, the staff are paid to get it for you. So please say 'can I have'
  • "Me and Fred are going...." Argh! Unless someone named "Me" is going with Fred, of course!
  • It annoys me when people start or punctuate their sentence with the word "obviously". If it's so obvious, why bother telling us?
  • Different than instead of different from!
    If two things are different they are not the same, therefore this one is different from that one.
  • Would of, should of, could of ..... grrrr!! Needs no explanation to the pedants. Basic grammar which younger ones don't seem to have been taught. If they need to shorten it, then use would've, should've, could've, please.
    For some reason, I don't mind wud av, shud av or cud av.
  • People that use an abbreviation or acronym and then repeat at least one of the letters by speaking the word out in full, e.g. HIV Virus, AC Current The worst case I heard was someone decribing a PIN as a Personal PIN Number.
  • Being asked by every till operator how my day is going, and then at the end being told to have a nice day. I don't mind the usual niceties, but I don't want to discuss what sort of day I'm having, when all I'm doing is buying a few groceries! It's different if there's no queue and you get a bit of banter going about something, but otherwise, a simple 'Good Morning/Afternoon' and 'Thank You, Goodbye' is all that's necessary.
    One till operator made the mistake of asking 'And how are YOU today?' When I was actually feeling a bit ill, so despite the queue behind me, I enlightened him with all the details of how unwell I was feeling! He looked quite uncomfortable. Well, if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question!
    Oh, and 'your' instead of 'you're' and 'their' instead of 'there' or 'they're'.
  • Whenever I hear a politician say "the truth is" I am always fairly sure it isn't. At least not in any form that you would recognise.
  • People don't turn round before they say things. Can you imagine how odd it would be if we did?
  • Bored of instead of the correct bored with...
  • "strictly forbidden" - forbidden is an absolute which can't be qualified.
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