14 Jun 2016

A question about : Interested in volunteering for a Charity Board


In my spare time I currently volunteer as a business mentor for the Princes Trust and am interested in finding out whether there are any local Charities that would be interested in my experience on a voluntary basis to their Advisory Board.

Does anyone know of any websites, sources of information to see if I can find a charity in my local area (which is West Yorkshire) ?


Best answers:

  • Google 'volunteer west yorkshire' (or any convenient city) and you'll find a range of sites which will help you with this: do-it.org.uk is a national one, but there's probably a local voluntary service council which would know of organisations ready to bite your hand off ...
  • Thanks Sue :-)
  • Is there a cause close to your heart? I know if I had the time at the moment I'd pick riding for the disabled. So you could go at it that way around - choose something you feel strongly about and then find the charity to match.
    Or you could contact local organisations who work with charities - we have the Norfolk Rural Community Council in my county - their development officer for your area would know who needed help.
    Or if you spoke with your Parish Councillors they would be able to tell you who was in your village, or town if you wanted to benefit local people.
  • You might also want to look at The Big Give's trustee search ads. https://secure.thebiggive.org.uk/trustees
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