30 Mar 2019

A question about : Insurance claw-back?

Our street was under two feet of water back in February so we claimed off our insurance and they [eventually!] paid.
I believe there was some 'guidance' issued at the time that insurers were not to raise premiums for flood affected properties as a means of recovering their losses.
Well they're getting round it!
Whilst they are not suggesting (yet) a premium increase, what they are doing is putting additional onerous clauses on us related to theft and burglary risk.
The road we live down has never - in the 20+ years we've lived there - experienced a burglary problem. The flooding we experienced has added no risk of burglary to our property. And yet our insurance company is requiring us to have installed (by a company approved by them) a fully monitored and maintained intruder alarm system - at our expense! Several hundred pounds to install? Hundreds of pounds a year for the maintenance contract (which, presumably, would nullify our insurance were we to let it lapse)?
Cynic? Moi?

Best answers:

  • You say they can't put up premium? But they can just not insure you? Adding things that if you were to flood again would cost them more in payouts to replace doesn't make much business sense have you asked them why?
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