10 Oct 2016

A question about : Insanity and running

On Sunday I ran the Boscombe 10k, finishing in 48.42 (chip time), an age 50s personal best. Two years ago I ran the same race in 50.36.

Apart from the fact that I'm 2 years older and 2 minutes faster what's different? Insanity with Shaun T.

I believe this is a fantastic programme for general fitness, but is particularly beneficial to runners.

Has anyone else noticed this effect?

I don't mind saying I was utterly thrilled with the result. I didn't expect anything special and was astonished to do as well as I did.

Best answers:

  • Yes Insanity made me much fitter.
    I'm more of a casual jogger than a committed runner, I never do more than a few miles, but the first time I went out after completing Insanity my stamina had improved massively. I use to have to stop after a few minutes and walk for a while to get my breath back but now I can run solidly for much longer.
  • Its not just insanity. Anything that strengthens the core will improve your running. All connected up
  • have you been doing an increase in practice compared to 2 years ago?
  • I need to get back into Insanity I just cannot find the motivation. I simply adore it, but long hours at work are killing me and all I want to do is relax.
  • I loved Instanity but in the second half the workout times increase significantly, and only having limited time to do them, I was struggling to find the time.
    Now I do T25 (Shaun T), which is like insanity, but squeezed into 25 minute workouts. It's brilliant.
  • I get enough insanity outside my workouts
  • I am a new Insanity participant and I am really enjoying it so far Good to hear that it has impacted your running too!
  • I've been thinking about this or DDP Yoga for the new year and can't decide which would be best for me.
    One concern I have is that I have really bad cardio, does insanity expect you to be at a certain level or does it start from the bottom up?
  • That's a great time - well done!
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