27 Mar 2019

A question about : Inconsidererate, aggressive, but not necessarily dangerous. Report?

Had this pleasant chap to deal with on my way home:


Clearly just doesn't like cyclists, unless someone can give any good reasons they believe justify his actions.

Worth reporting this one?

I realise my language may have harmed my credibility, again!

Best answers:

  • Hard to see how much room you were given, but it was unnecessarily dangerous in my opinion. He should have waited a second or two until the approaching car had passed you safely.
    I think, if the police had witnessed this, they would have offered strong words of advice to the motorist, but not taken any further action.
  • YOU have a problem.
    YOUR problem is that YOU are the vulnerable one.
    It doesn't matter one little bit whether you were in the right or you were in the wrong.
    YOU are the one that's going to get physically hurt.
    The A*hole's may live to regret their foolishness, and some of 'em, their lives will be decimated.
    But you, you are the one who will feel the physical pain.
    What exactly do you want to happen?
    What is it that will make your world better?
    You are a vulnerable cyclist, minding your own business, surrounded by A*holes.
    What solutions to YOUR problem are there?
  • I sometimes call 101 to report idiots who drive dangerously if they have put my life in risk - there are some people who seem to think shaving a couple of seconds off their important journey is worth the risk of ending someone's life.
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