22 May 2016

A question about : Income tax and new job

Hi title=Smile

I've been at my new job for a few weeks now and I earn Ј8047 per a year. I don't have a second job either or any savings. I received my wage slip the other day and I've found that I'm paying tax on these earnings. I'm a bit confused about as to whether or not I should be paying income tax as I thought the personal allowance for this year was around Ј8100. I'm on the tax code 310L if its any help. I've already contacted Head Office at my work who says that the amount of tax I pay is correct but I'm unsure.

Thanks for any help.

Best answers:

  • Were you employed before you took this job? If so, do you have a copy of your P45?
    Are you paying any arrears of tax?
    Do you have any taxable company benefits?
  • Remember, JSA is classed as taxable (so that would account for some of your annual personal allowance)
    hence why you were provided with a P45 when you stopped claiming.
    Not sure why you have a tax code of 310L. It would suggest you were getting Ј5k p.a. taxable benefit in kind (like a company car). You may want to double check with HMRC why they have given you this coding.
    More useful information can be found on the Citizens Advice self-help website www.adviceguide.org.uk or by calling the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline (0845 4040506) or you could contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau which you can find at www.citizensadvice.org.uk.
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